A Blast to the Past

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My draft titles:

For a split second after opening my eyes, I thought I would be in bed

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For a split second after opening my eyes, I thought I would be in bed. I would've realised that it was all a dream and that everything was fine.

The Doc was alive and I would see Marty peacefully asleep beside me.

But I quickly realized that I was still sitting in the DeLorean with Marty coughing and wheezing in the driver's seat next to me.

I must've knocked myself unconscious during the car chase.

Everything really did happen and I was sitting right in the aftermath.

The funny thing was...

There was a cow in the rearview mirror.

I quickly whipped my head around and realised that we were in a barn.

Smoke and steam surrounded the car and poured in through the open driver's door as Marty stumbled out.



In front of us was a family standing in the doorway with a lamp. The younger boy quickly pulled the door shut, leaving us inside.

"Listen- Whoa!" Marty seemed to trip over a hay bale.

"Marty? Marty!" I climbed out after him and offered my hand to help him up.

Marty grabbed hold, pulling himself up and almost dragging me down in the process.

"Y/N, wait in the car. I'll- I'll go talk to them," Marty pushed past me.

"Be careful!" I called out.


The sudden noise made me retreat into the vehicle with haste.

I almost forgot we crashed into a barn.

Wait a minute.

Was there ever a barn near the mall?

It made me think about just how far we travelled to escape the Libyans. There wouldn't have been anything but the suburbs for the next few miles...

Then I remembered something the Doc told us at one point that night.

Twin Pines Mall used to be a farm.

My heart raced when I thought the worst. But every thought I had overlapped and clouded my judgement, keeping me from making the connection.

It was there in the back of my mind, taunting me. Screaming at me to wake up and realize that...


Holy shit.

I scrambled towards the open doorway and peeked out, desperately calling out to Marty who was stumbling his way towards the barn door.

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