Fatiguing Festivities

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(I do want to point out that in the original fic when Y/N says "Language," it is a reference to Age of Ultron lol)

After an exhausting twelve-hour bus ride, sleep was like taking ecstasy.

Getting a full night's sleep was the one thing I needed after the week I had just been through.

And falling asleep in a bed where there was no fear of my dad bursting through the door and waking me up to buy him a pack of whatever was just the kind of peace that I needed that night.

Until the peace was interrupted by a sudden force striking my face.

Or rather, a hand striking my face.

My eyes snapped open in time to see Marty jolt up from the bed and pick up the phone on his bedside table, indicating that his act of aggression was the result of his abrupt waking and nothing more than accidental.

I gave myself a second to adjust, feeling the discomfort of my spot on the floor.

I must've fallen asleep unexpectedly seeing as I was leaning against the mattress.

I pushed myself up to sit on the bed as Marty spoke to the caller.

"No don't be silly..."

A pause. I reach back to scratch the back of my neck only to feel pain from sleeping in such an awkward position.

"Yeah, Y/N's here with me but-"

Another pause. Then a double take at me.

"Doc, listen. She just got back from the retreat. I don't wanna drag her out of bed at a time like this."

He better not... I got about three hours of sleep and I wasn't leaving the room until I got at least ten.

I took in a long and heavy breath before huffing it all out.

I couldn't seem to catch a break with the Doc.

Don't get me wrong, I loved the guy. He was more of a father to me than my dad ever will be. But it was times like this I hated.

I ran a hand over my face and turned to the clock. It was somewhat past midnight.

"Come on, Doc. How important could this possibly be?"

Marty nearly tossed the phone when a loud "Very," was yelled.

Marty sent me a sympathetic look and put the phone back against his ear. "Yeah. Okay. We're on our way."

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"Can I just say that I hate you with every fiber of my being?" I sent the back of Marty's head a dirty look as we rode down the street.

This part of town was fairly quiet around this time. No active people or cars were in sight.

The only sound was coming from the wheels of our boards moving against the gravelly roads.

"You could've stayed behind," Marty shot back a look.

"If Doc says it's important, I'll be beating myself up about it for ages if I don't go," I scoffed, feeling the grogginess of my throat as I spoke. Voice, threatening to break.

"Hey, it's sweet that you're thinking about the Doc."

"Marty, I'm mostly doing this to satisfy my curiosity. What if he does something bizarre?" I kicked against the gravel to speed up and surpass Marty.

"Like what?" He asked.

"I dunno. Zombies?" I shrugged, stopping by the end of the road where the signboard for the Twin Pines Mall was situated.

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