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I decided to go back and remove any dialogue where Y/N swears because I kind of like the idea of Y/N having never sworn in her life from the original fic.

I also went back and updated a few things. For example, Y/N's mother dies when she was 5 not 1 anymore to give sense to the fact that she feels weird for not being sad when meeting her mother again.

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I was looking right at my mother, who was clearly alive and well... Very young.

This was the moment I never thought I'd ever get to experience in my entire life.

I was talking to my dead mother... Except she was alive.

The mother who died in an accident when I was five years old.

I was supposed to be grossly emotional.

But nothing happened.

I didn't feel anything.

Instead of pain and sorrow and excitement and all that, I felt nothing...

And now, I couldn't say anything.

I just looked at her with my eyes darting around, taking in every feature of her young and very much alive face.

"Uh... Are you alright?" She asked, then put her hand over her mouth to cover a gasp. "Why? Did you hear anything bad about me? Was it from Lorraine Baines?" She scowled.

"Hey, Y/N. Let's go."

Thank the lucky stars Marty came to save me from whatever this was.

But part of me didn't want to leave my mom.

I looked up at Marty, who held up a slip of paper between his fingers. "Come on. I got the address."

I turned back to my mother and put my hand on the table to push myself up. "I have to go," I announced meekly.

She frowned. "Already? I was just getting to know you. I really find your sense of fashion quite... Interesting."

I opened my mouth to speak, but Marty put his hands on my shoulders to face me in the other direction. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. She looks like a clown. Let's go, Y/N."

I looked over my shoulder to see M/N already leaving the cafe.

My heart ached a little but that was it.

I remember crying, sobbing, wailing, and weeping when I was 5 and my dad told me the news that mommy wasn't coming home.

Why am I so numb now?

There was something seriously wrong with me.

"Uh, do you know where Riverside-"

"Are you gonna order somethin', kid?" The man behind the counter cut him off, snapping me out of my thoughts and emotional crisis... Or lack thereof.

Marty folded up the paper and shoved it into his pocket. "Uh, yeah. Gimme- Gimme a Tab." We both took a seat at the bar.

The man gave him a look. "Tab? I can't give you a tab unless you order somethin'."

"Right, give me a Pepsi Free." Marty shrugged.

"You want a Pepsi, pal, you're gonna pay for it."

I was utterly confused by the miscommunication happening between them. Most likely from the difference in lingo in this... Era?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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