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The sound from that damn wall clock completely dominatinates inside my room. Like a nuclear bomb going to ecolode any second.

I don't want to get out there. Especially downstairs right now. And most importantly to see his fucking face again.

How dare he come here? After all these years, he really have the nerve to see me again.

Staring outside the window, I see a black limousine. If I have a grenade in my hand right now I'll just throw it down on his car and let it explode.

Fuck! What I'm thinking? This isn't GTA. I don't want the cops to arrest me.

Someone open the doorknob pull me from my crazy imaginative dimension. Her reflection can been seen clearly on the glass window.

Turning around I lean my back on the wall. Shoving my hand on the pocket.

Aunty Margret standing at the doorway with a look on her face. I was used to it but still it's irritate me sometimes.

"Can you stop looking at me like that?" I grunt.

She sigh, "He's here."


"He wants to see you"

I scoff didn't take her words seriously.

"Not interested?! You can tell him to go h....."

"Darryl" she warn me before I could finish it.

She doesn't like me to curse others. But nowadys most fucking bastards asking for it.

Averting my face from her, I laid down on the bed and stare at the special edition of Avengers poster that been stick on the ceiling above me.

I specifically ordered this ceiling wallpaper. Everybody loves Marvel these days. Well I'm one of the craziest of them all.

She walk towards me and sit at the edge of the bed. I subconsciously place my head on her lap as she slowly caress my hair with her hand.

This is the only thing that could calm down my emotion. And she does this to me so many times.

"Although you don't like him but he's your father after all. Even the god can't change it."

"He is nothing to me" I said coldly.

She sigh, "Maybe he learn his mistake."

I turn my face at her with raising an eyebrow.

"And you seriously believing that?"

Aunty Margret is one of the kindest person ever since she walked into my life. She is always believe that everyone deserve a second chance although they did something wrong.

She roll her eyes. "Come on. Give him a chance."

"Like he gave to my mom?" I retort back.

She open her mouth but didn't have anything to say at all. She knows more than anyone about what kind of suffering my mom and I had faced after that bastard left us.

When thinking about it, all those rage boiling in my heart. And ready to vent out any time.

"Do you remember what your mother always taught you when you was little?" she ask me softly.

I hums closing my eyes for a while.

"Never get lost yourself for someone" I mumble out.

A small smile form on her face. "And?"

Leaning up my body, I comb my hair with my fingers.

"You're giving me no choice, huh?"

She laugh and mess back my perfectly combed hair.

"Hey!" I groan.

She slap lightly on my shoulder.

"Don't be such a baby. You're a grown kid."

"I'm not a kid but a grown mad" I argued back.

"Is that so?" she smirk glancing at the marvel lego collection of mine that I keep safely inside a glass cabinet.

I fluster, "Those are just decortion things."

She chuckle made me embarass a bit. A 23 year old adult who like toys is kind of funny.

I get up before she could embarass me anymore. Placing my hand on the doorknob my hearbeat pounding fast. More like I was about to enter hell.

"Is something wrong hun?"

Aunt Margret's voice helps me to overcome my worries.

"Yeah. Just feel a bit tense."

"You can see him next time. There is always time."

Should I have to fear of him? I mean why would I? And I'll fucking prove him that this is the one last time he's going to see me.

Taking multiple of breathing I made my choice.

"Let's hear what he want to say."

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