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Slumping on the cozy chair, I stare at the man who produced me. He studied my face for a while. Well that's odd.

Feeling frustrated, I crossed my arms. "If you have nothing to say, then I can go to my bed. I'm damn tired"

Minutes gone and he's still keeping his mouth shut. Enough of this shit. Standing back to my feet, I prepared to left this place.

"I never told you to leave"

I halted before opening the door. At least he's not deaf.

"Sit down" he ordered me.

"Get to the point dad"

He slammed his hand on the table made me jump in suprise. Screw him.

"I told you to sit down Syd!" he growled at me.

Clenching my hands, I just did what he asked. I don't want to ruin my mom's sleep. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he tried to calm down. But I can't.

Taking his seat, he slide a red file to my side.

"Read it" he ordered me again.

Enduring my anger, I open the file to see what shitty thing he wants me to know.



According to this contract, Conrad Industries agrees to make an alliance with Maynard Corporation. This would help both parties to develop a friendly relationship and strengthen both their business and family aspect.

Following are the terms and conditions:

I) The contract must be intact for the period of maximum 2 years, starting from the day when it signed by both parties.

II) This contract allows Maynard to acquire 5% of shares from Conrad's stocks. The Maynard also need to allocate 10% percent of their shares.

III) The acquisition can be only owned by the next heir of both parties.

IV) Any sort of violation or financial related crimes occured during this period, the contract will be terminate in action

*If one of the party breach any of this terms, a sum of 50 billion dollars will be penalized. 


Tossing the file back at him, I glance at him wryly. "Looks like your greedy dream finally came true"

Fifty billion dollars. That's totally insane.

He gritted out his teeth. "Careful with your words Syd. After all, you been living on this lifestyle because of my hardwork"

I scoffed, cause him to get more angrier. He's been always thinks about money and pride. That's what he's true nature. I never wanted his money. Or his so called fame.

"What does this contract have to do with me?" I asked him. I don't have the mood to play around the bush.

He inhale deeply and said, "Only you can receive that five percent Conrad's shares"

Furrowed my eyebrows, I was confused. Am I special or something.

Seeing my confusion face, he took another black file from the below of his desk and hand it over to me.

I saw a picture inside of it. His black thick rounded eyebrows made him look cold. His eyes shows boldness. Wait! I've seen those eyes before.

"You need to mar......."

"Absolutely no!" I cut him off before when could finishes off his sentence. He really dare to say that.

"Did I ask your permission" he narrow his eyes at me me.

You gotta to be kidding me. Now I became a pawn on his game too. I laughed out in anger. Steam blew out from my ears.

"You think everything has to be in your own way. Do I look like an object to you. I won't marry someone just for the sake of your greediness. Have you ever considered me as your daughter at all. Hell, you wont even care about mom either"

The fastest respond soon I get was a hard slap from him.

"What an ungrateful daughter you are!" he scorned out.

My eyes blurred with tears. Not because the stinging pain from my swollen cheek. But his harsh words.

"If it wasn't for your mother's sake, I wouldn't let you do to that filthy job of yours"

That's get into my nerves. I really want to argue back. But I hold it. I don't want my mom meddle into this shit.

"I'm not going to say twice. You're going to marry him and that's final.  Try to disobey me, the consequences would be much worse"

The only thing I do was to slammed close the door behind me. I don't want to hear any of his bloody nonsense anymore. Running all the way into my room, I buried my face in the pillow and scream out. Letting out all of my frustration.

Why it always has to be this way? Why does he have to make all the decision by himself. Without asking my opinion. Why?

I can feel the pillow damped from my tears. No. I'm not going to endure his this shit anymore. He's gone too far. I have to find a way to call this marriage off.

Luckily, Uncle Zachary has already put my bag in here. Pulling out my from it, I made a call to who can help me from getting out from this hell.

The call soon connected. "What's up bitch?"

I can heard music blasting from the other side.

"Yvette, I desperately need some booze"

She laughed, "Okie dockey. Meet me at Century"

Ending the call, I take my clothes off and open the closet. If I stay her for one more minute, I would do anything.

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