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Reporters and media personnel swarmed outside the residence while police and Asher's owned security tried to keep them from barge inside. Various news channels gathered at there as they broadcast the feed live in both television and every social media. 

Inside the mansion, all the servants were baffled when seeing the chaos and afraid when their eyes gazed at the old man who was so enraged at this moment.

His white hair was messy as sweats drenched his whole body. Chest raised up and down every second and his eyes were dark showing him murderous intent on it. Not a small mosquito sound came out from any of their mouth as they all can heard was the voices from the outside.

He took a gulp of hard liquor from the glass cup and then glare at the person who's been kneeling down on the floor all this time, infront of him. He didn't dared raise his head up, afraid to become the victim of the old man's anger again.

However, it didn't hold the old man's  temper for long as he threw that glass cup. It smashed directly right on the top of that man's head, yelped out in stinging pain. Blood slowly oozed out from the open cuts and dripped down on the checkered marble tiles.

All those servants were trembled witnessing it and keep their mouth shut.

"You're such an embarrassment!" the old man finally spat out.

The one who listening to it, clench his hand tried to hold his anger.

"I told you one thing. Just one fucking thing! Stay away from the Conrad. And yet you defy my words and get into this mess" he continued, stood infront of him.

"That bastard is the one who did all this. I'll kill that asshole"

The Old master got angered and kicked hard on his stomach.

"Shut up!" That guy groaned out in pain.

"You dared to accuse him for your own doing. I expect much better than this, Tristan" 

Tristan Asher never expected this kind of tragedy thrown upon him. Most of all, he miscalculated Darryl's hideous stratergy. When he's on his way to the EDM Galaxy to finalise the deal he got a call from his father. He furiously blasted at Trsiatn about the damages he done to the company and ordered him to be at the mansion right away. 

"Old master" Maurice paced into the living room in panic. Seeing the young master's face, he was frightened out. At the same time, his heart did a happy dance. He nervously get towrds the old master.

"I'll already discussed this matter with our lawyer. But....."

"But?" The old master's eye darken made Maurice head low down.

"All the evidence are against young master. So, they.........." he mumbled and gasped out when he heard something just crashed into pieces.

Tristan freaked out when looking at his father's behavior. Words couldn't came out from his mouth in absolute fear running inside him. Old master's gaze fell on him once again. Tristan's heart beats rapidly as chill ran down to the spine.


Before his father's hand could land on his cheek a car engine's sound stopped him in mid air. Tristan sighed in relief at that moment and mentally thanked to that person who saved him.

"Which bastard let the reporter inside?!" Old master growled looking at the opened front door.

As soon Maurice about to run outside to check who has the audicity to be here, he legs pulled a sudden brake. His eyes almost came out from the socket and his whole body trembled.

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