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"Come on! That's not fair!"

I chuckled out, hearing her continuous fuss for the third time straight. Her cute annoying eyes enough to kill myself.

Fumbling her hand into her handbag, she slapped another ten more dollars on the table.

"Again?" The shop owner scoffs. You better watch your attitude man.

He took the money and gave three baseball to Sydney. Her stubborn spirit is what inspires me the most.

She took the first baseball and aimed at the cans that been stacked into the shape of a pyramid. With her force, she throw it.

"Whaaaaaat!" And she failed.

Fuming in anger, she take another shot. I stilled my laugh when it knocked down only the top can.

"You know, third one would be definitely a lucky charm"

Sydney shot me a glare. I winked at her, enough to boost her up. She swing her right arm all the way behind and propelled back, releasing the baseball on her hand.

That baseball spinning out in mid-air as it directed towards those stacked cans.


Not much to her expectation, the ball indeed hit the cans. However, this time her force wasn't strong enough to break it.

That man laughed out loud and even I couldnt suppress mine.

"Try again next time" he said, gave her a piece of candy.

She huffed out, taking the candy. "Not fair!"

"There are other games you can try" I told her.

Her eyes still glued at the doll placed in that shop. It's a giant blue teddy bear. She eagerly wants to win it.

"Let's go" Her voice hinted with sadness. That made my heart clench. I don’t like to see her get upset.

Before Sydney could leave, the light bulb on my brain turned on. I hold her hand as she stopped from walking away and look at me.

I smiled, "How about I lend you a hand?"

She didnt know whether to say yes or no. I laughed, seeing her how cute she was. Taking a note of ten dollars, I passed it to that owner.

"You sure you can win it boy?" he sneers at me.

I narrow my eyes at him. Did that bastard look down on me? I clenched my hand into fist, so that I can punch him right away but I don’t wish to ruin this day. Especially, together with Sydney alone.


Sydney stared at me in confuse. Letting aside my anger, I pulled her closer to me. Turned her around, so her back should facing my front. I wished there was no gap between us but I can't take the chance, making her tense.

"You're going to do exactly as I say. Got it?" I whispered to her.

She nodded her head. Taking the baseball, I gently placed on her palm and put my hand on the back of her hand.

"Hold the ball firmly, not too hard" She does and I keep my hand under hers.

Slowly, I guided her arm behind. "You have to move your body as well"

She understand what I meant and rotate her right hip and shoulder to the angle. To keep her steady, I slither my left arm around her waist. Will she mad? Much to my nervous, she tighten the hold with her other arm.

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