Chapter 6- Dream A Little Dream...

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TW // mentions of rape.
Emma's POV:
"Mummy, 'ook! I cuwer!" Max says as he kneels up at me, shaking his drawing of what i think is a green ladybug, side-to-side, the picture blurring due to the action.

"I see, baby." i'm lost deep in mindful thought as i keep thinking about what happened just a mere two nights ago, when Lauren told me she loved me and kissed me in the rain American-movie-style.

It was like something straight out of a romance movie.

But falling for a dominatrix when i have a 2 year old son on my arm, is not a good idea. It's just why i didn't tell Lauren in the first place...everyone wants these baggage-free, ready to drop everything subs. One that has no strings attatched...and i'm not one of them. I'm a mother before anything.

"Mummy, pay wif me!" i'm brought back to reality by my son, who's spinning his toy cars up and down his car track i bought him last Christmas, urging me to join in the fun.

"Yes, baby. Does my baby boy wanna play cars??" I say, zooming one of his favourite red cars up and down his racing car track, which seems to make his little mind happy and delighted, exactly how i want it.

"Es! Vroooooom, vroooooom!"

Ever since Maxy was born, my whole world has been lifted up. Do i wish that i wasn't raped by my sisters boyfriend? Of course. But i don't regret Max. Not for once second. He overpowers every bad thing in my life, and the best part is that he doesn't even know it.

"Mummy, 'ou wa the lady fom ofer day?" i'm pretty sure he means Lauren. The woman who not only set me up for disaster, but ensured i got home safely in a loving, caring way...

"Just someone mummy knows. I think it's time for a certain little boy's na-" i am cut off by the ringing of my doorbell, the sound exasperating through the house loudly.

"Som'one at da do-or!"

"It seems so, Maxy-Baby. Shall we go answer it?"

"Yah! Hehe!" i hoist his toddler body up into my arms with minimal effort, and he nuzzles his nose into my neck, opening the door for me.

Speaking of the devil, Lauren stands at my doorstep, poised and elegant, "Hey, you forgot this." she hands me my white hoodie that i must've left at her place those few days ago. The clothing sparks the memory back up in my mind, crawling its way to the top...

"Oh, thank you, i didn't realise i left it."

"Mama, who dis?! Who dis?!" Max asks me excitedly, jumping in my arms and pointing at Lauren with an escalating urgency.

"This is Lauren, kiddo. Please, come in, i need to put this one down for a nap."

"No problem."

Lauren follows me upstairs and into Max's nursery, standing just on the outside of the threshold, risking little peeks up. I guess she never thought i'd have a nursery in my home...

 I guess she never thought i'd have a nursery in my home

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"There we go, little guy." i lay him down in his wooden cot as he pulls down his animal themed blanket to snuggle with, tucking it under his chin as he always does for warmth. "Time for night-nights."

"No, mama...i wanna stay awake and...plaaaay..."

Max looses the battle against sleep and whistles gently through his nose in a gentle, sweet melody.

I lean down and press a smooch to his cheek, one which he scrunches his face up at. "I love you, Mighty Max." he babbles slight back, "Love...mummy..."


"Coffee? Tea? Vodka Cramberry? It's five o'clock somewhere." i beg of you, Lauren. Please ask for alcohol so i feel numb enough to forget this conversation later.

"No, thank you, i don't think being drunk will help me keep my composure." Lauren says as i down a full glass of wine. The irony.

"Okay..." as i'm unsure of what to say, Lauren reaches for me, her palms caressing my hips in a pretty fashion.

"I told you i loved you." my whole body clams up at the mere word, 'love'. Who knew such a small word could hold such a powerful meaning?

"I remember...but, Lauren...ahem, Mistress-"

"Stop with the formalities. You can call me Lauren, if you wish."

"Thank you. Lauren, i don't think you love me...i- I just think you've gotten used to me." she seems hurt by this, but she covers it up quickly with a scoff that i take harshly.

"I'm a dominatrix, Emma. Feelings come into play for me, and with regards to you..." she lets her eyes wander over my body, everywhere she's looked feels like it's been imprinted on my body, like a snake slithering around my skin. I suddenly realise how thin my co-ord is. "...i know exactly what they are."

I sigh internally, filling my glass up to the brim with lusciously red liquid as i dredge out this long conversation, which i wish oh-so much would end.

"Why didn't you tell me you have a son? Did you think i'd freak out?"

"Yes." i state simply. No domme wants baggage, and no domme wants me. It's a fact i've gotten used to...until i met Lauren, that is.

"Max is a big part of your life...and i want you to be of mine."

"But, why? Every domme i've met has tossed me aside and treated me like any other person. They fuck me, then they chuck me. And i'm honestly fine with that! But don't pretend like you care about me when you don't!"

"Emma, i do care-"

"Just leave. I'm not up to talking right now."

Part of me thinks Lauren will walk away and slam the door, never wanting to see me again, and that will make me happy. But the other part thinks that it will destroy me when she exits out of the door, as well as my life.

But instead...she steps toward my body and takes one of my cheeks in her hand, the warm feeling making me jerk up in surprise.

"I don't care if you're not up to talking. You see me as some sort of a monster, don't you? A heartless being?"

I daren't answer. I'm smarter than to fall into that trap.

"You don't have to be so scared, y'know...i'm just a dominatrix." the words 'you don't have to be scared' are words that i'd never thought i'd hear a domme, of all people, say to me.

"I don't crawl under your bed at night, i'm not the shadow you swore you saw follow you home last night, i'm no boogeyman, and i'm certainly not someone who you need protection from. I'm just a human who loves you."

Her words stick in my mind, and become permanently marked when Lauren dips her head to press her forehead to mine, her nose nuzzling.

"I love you, Emmeline Alton, and i don't care who knows it."

I stand there, bizarre. I've been seeing Lauren for about a month now, and she's fallen this quickly...this has got to be a dream.

"Mummy! Time to 'ake up!" Max shakes me awake from my deep sleep, one that i knew i was due an awakening from.

And i was all a dream.

I haven't been to her house yet, Lauren doesn't know i have a son, and she never said 'I love you'.

What a weird dream.

Thank you for reading this chapter! I bet you didn't expect the last part, did you?

Please share with anyone who you think might be interested by this sort of thing, i'd really appreciate it!

Come back for the next chapter!

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