Chapter 18- Why, Victor?

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Oxford is a beautiful place. Before i considered moving to Abbey Wood, it was on the top of my Move List.

But i never expected to be on my way there with my Sargent in tow to visit my girlfriend's estranged father.

"Make sure you've collected every scrap of evidence. If we don't have enough to suspect him-"

"We'll be considered harassers. I'm not as dumb as i look, y'know."

Andy is the only one at the Department that doesn't judge me based on my age. Being 10 years younger than everyone else sure does make you seem inadequate.

Nevertheless, i've done all my training and have all my qualifications. I've wanted to be a detective since i was tiny, and solving the mystery behind my missing Barbie dolls was my first case.

It was Heather whodunnit.

I pull up outside of an esteemed white mansion, and we both make our way up the garden path.

I pull up outside of an esteemed white mansion, and we both make our way up the garden path

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"I've never seen the big deal in white houses. They look tacky, and we live in London for Pete's sake." i carefully handle the Lion door knocker, banging it with an urgency.

"I bet you twenty quid this guys servants answer the door."

"Ha! I bet you thirty that he's got prostitutes. God, i can't wait for this to be over."

"You me both."

Looks like both me and Andy were right. A prostitute with a maids outfit opens the door with a fake smile on her face.

"Oh, are you Mr Thorne's 2 o'clock? He said it was a blonde with a big bust." i gape my mouth open wide. I'm not going to enjoy the next half an hour.

"No, i'm not a prostitute, god!" we whip out our badges to show her, "I'm DCI Alton, this is Sargent Andy Wolfenden, we need to speak to Victor Thorne."

"You're the poll-ice?!" why does she speak like my 2 year old son?

I blink three times, dumbfounded, "It's 'police', but yes." she has a worrisome look on her face, "May we come in?" i ask once again.

"We need to speak to Victor Thorne regarding an investigation on his wife." Andy states.

She somewhat resentfully allows us across the threshold; we're greeted by the unsanitary state his living room is in, hardly surprising to me.

"I don't recognise you...and i told the company to put a lot less clothes on you." I see Andy's face harden, as if it's about to crack.

Considering he's like a brother to me, i can tell he takes great offence in that.

What a pig Lauren's dad already is and i haven't even asked him a question yet.

My blue eyes burn deep, right through his shallow soul, "I'm not a prostitute. DCI Alton, are you Victor Thorne?"

"Yes..." we show him our badges, fear stricken in his pupils.

"We'd like to ask you some questions. Do you have a minute?" i hear an obvious gulp, "I guess so..."

"They have nice gardens around here..." me and Andy glance around as we're being made a cup of coffee each. To be honest with the way his house was in a state, it's hardly shocking that we were escorted into his greenhouse.

"Oxford is a beautiful place filled with snobbish people." i whip my head around toward my Sargent, "My girlfriend used to live here...remember?"

"Yeah, okay fair."

"But you're not exactly wrong...i was mistaken for a prozzie twice in the same minute. Talk about sexualisation..." i roll my eyes skyward, noticing some flowers nearby that i smell and fondle with.

"These are pretty...what are they called?"

"Bush daisies, i think."

"Oh, shit!" i step back frantically, grabbing a wipe packet i see and wiping my hands and nose.

"What's wrong?"

"Apparently i'm allergic to them. My dad said that i was in hospital when i was little because of an allergy flare up to bush daisies. My face was swollen up like a football."


Victor came trudging down the pathway to the greenhouse, "Remember what we're asking him?"

"Can't really forget. Do you think we'll be much use without the interview tape?" i ask Andy.

"You're a scary woman, i'm sure he'll crap his pants and confess in the end."

"Heh, if only."

The glass door launched open, the mugs of coffee setting down on the side.

I'm not here for fucking caffeine, i'm here to make this guy confess.

Let's hope i can succeed.

Thank you for reading!

Thank you for the upvotes, and thank you to @badgallael for adding my story to one of your reading lists :) <3

I'm not sure when the next chapter will be up, but i'm hoping to get at least two published from now (Sunday 25th September) until Thursday (6th October).

There might be a Halloween special too but i'm still not sure if i should do one. Thoughts??

Hope you enjoyed! <3

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