Chapter 12- Detective At Work...

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Emma's POV:
Beginning my first work day of the week, i pin up a picture of a recent victim of homicide, their sorrowful post-mortem corpse a sight to cause upset. "Charlotte Davies, 23 years old, she was murdered outside of her house on Sycamore Street, lives alone."

"She got any family?" my deputy Andrew asks, "Raised an orphan it seems, she was in foster care her whole life."

"Relationship status?"

"Why must you always flirt with the victims, Andy? As far as i'm aware, she was single."

"What about her foster parents?"

"They didn't seem mournful at the scene of the crime, there were rumours they used to beat her. Social Services couldn't pin anything on them, so they were never proven, but Charlotte told her friends who told us."

"Could it be them?"

"Doubtful. They have an air-tight alibi, they we're getting pissed during bar-hopping in Abbey Wood." my phone beeps loudly with several texts from Lauren.

Lauren: I don't suppose you have thought about the trip yet?

Lauren: And even though you refused apologies regarding Rebecca, i am still sorry.

Lauren: Emma???

I sigh and tuck my phone back into my jean back pocket, "Relationship problems?"

"Yeah, more like dominatrix problems. Doesn't matter."

"Everyone's talking about you, y'know. Everyone knows Lauren Thorne has the hots for you." i roll my eyes internally, "Okay, first of all, no one says 'has the hots for', and second of all, can we focus on the case?"

"The one on Charlotte Davies or the one on Melanie Thorne?" i stand stiff. I've been researching the virtually non-existent case on Melanie Thorne against Victor Thorne in private.

Ever since Lauren told me about it, i have been hooked on it, "How do you know about that?"

"You're the least secretive detective i've ever met, the files were splashed all over your desk earlier. Let me help, the case seems to be a mess."

I'm turning 21 next week, i wish some people wouldn't underestimate me...but i suppose help on this case would be useful.

"Okay, sure. Follow me." i lead Andy into my office to look over the files, "This is a cold case, 20 years to date. I contacted a Police Department in Oxford where they used to live, and with some reluctancy in addition to me doing some hardcore pleading, they finally let up."

I whip out a stack of paperwork, mentally noting Andy's face fall. "That's the smallest amount of paperwork i've ever seen. No wonder the case was never solved."

"Albeit, there's not much information, but it's a case nevertheless." we both take a seat and begin looking through the file, word for word, sentence for sentence.

"This case has been cold for 20 years, before you were even born. Why are you so latched onto it?"

"Ugh, it's a long story."

"Tell me over a drink? I know you keep a secret stash of beer you pretend you don't have."

"Okay, do you know everything that's in my office?" he smiles and scoffs, "Do you really want me to answer that?"

"I guess not. Fine, let's have a beer. Everyone else has gone home for the night anyway."

I pry open the twist-off beer bottle with my teeth and gulp down the alcohol, feeling a sense of relief wash over me, "I forget how nice beer tastes after you damn well need one." i rest my feet on my desk and rake my fingers through my hair.

"Tough day?"

"More like tough week. Tough month, tough life! My non-official girlfriend has a wife and wants to take me and my 2 year old son abroad."

"Go. You could use a break from London."

"I know, i know, but i expected Max's first holiday to be somewhere with just the two of us, and i don't want Lauren to break Max's heart, he adores her."

"How's Max doing these days? Is he loving the toddler life?"

"Lovin' it. I'm glad he's not at a stage where he's asking about his dad..."

"Don't tell me Luka's rocked up again, the bastard."

"No, not yet. He's still got a few months left on his sentence. Max is still giggling away and happy with pasta and ice cream." I take a swig of my beer, feeling at ease.

"Are you gonna go with Lauren or not? She deserves an answer."

"I don't know, man, for once in my life i'm indecisive! It's not a great feeling."

"You only live once, so fuck it, even if she dumps you in the middle of a foreign country."

My feelings regarding Lauren are all over the place. One minute i'm having dreams of her confessing her love, she's meeting my son, then we're out on a date and then her wife swans in her home and calls me a slag!

Lauren's too hearts broken and repaired itself over and over again in the space of 10 weeks, but part of me can't seem to bring itself to care.

I carry a sleepy Max to his bedroom and tuck him into his new big boy bed, "Mummy, tired..."

"I know, baby, but mummy wants to talk to you for a second first." i tuck him into bed, staring deeply into his little blue eyes, "So, y'know Lauren? The nice lady?"

"G'een pas'a lady." i snicker quietly to myself before continuing, "Yes, baby. She wants to take us on holiday, and mummy wanted to ask if you wanted to go."

"Where 'oliday?"

"I'm not sure, baby. But is it something you'd like?"

"Mmmmmaybe...mummy 'anna go?"

"I'm not sure, baby, it's not my opinion that matters, it's yours." he bites down on his lower lip in thought, "I 'ever bee' on 'oliday before."

"I know, babe. It would just be me, you and Lauren, or Green Pasta Lady. Does...does that sound fun?"

"Yah! I 'anna go 'oliday!" it seems like i have my answer, so I decide to call Lauren on speaker phone so Max can hear, "Hello?"

" 'Auren!"

"Hi, kiddo. Where's your mummy?"

"I'm here, i just wanted to give you an answer to your uh, proposal." there's a short silence of anticipation on the other end, "And your answer is?"

"...we'd be very grateful if you took us on holiday. But Mighty Max here is wondering where you wanna take us." Lauren faintly laughs on the other end.

"Pack your bags, guys. We're going to Greece."

Thank you for reading this chapter, i hope you enjoyed it!

Please feel free to leave a message on my page if you're liking the book so far :)

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