Chapter 10- The Truth Always Comes Out...

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Emma's POV:
I quietly open my front door with a hint of discretion, not at all wanting to make a single sound that may compel annoyance.

Tiptoeing, place my bag, phone and keys on the countertop safely, and flick the lights on, bringing my house to life, only to see Connor and Max both asleep on the couch, the display of cuteness before me overwhelming.

"Awh...cute." i snap a quick picture of them both, their bodies slumped against each others as they sleep deeply, and cover their overlapped anatomies with a fluffy blanket for warmth, slipping my feet-aching high heels off, tossed to the side, and deciding to snuggle up with them, making myself comfortable in my spot, which unfortunately wakes Max up ever so slightly. "Mama..." he groggily mumbles, rubbing his eyes with his curled up little fists.

Despite the vexation of awakening my son, i can't help but find his tiny actions somewhat adorable. I allow my twinkling smile to grin at him, and i unexpectedly realise how much i missed him during my night out. "Hey, my little prince. Did you have fun with Uncle Connor?"

He enthusiastically nods his little head, his curly floppy hair moving in which every direction. "Yah! We gots to whisper cuz he's seeping!"

"I know, baby." i allow myself to fall asleep with them both, peacefully slipping into a dreamworld i'm more than fond of being greeted by yet again, the real world whisping away...

When i wake up, what seems like a mixture of hours later, i open my eyes to find Max gone from my sight, and so is Connor. A feeling of worry immediately fills my stomach, the perturbed maternal feeling instant. "Max?!"

"Don't worry, he's in his cot. Morning, sleepyhead." i let my eyes travel around the space near me, thankfully to see Connor in the kitchen, stirring a metal utensil in a mug, looking like he's making himself a morning beverage.

"Mm, i wouldn't talk to me in the morning before i've had coffee." taking the obvious hint, Connor generously pushes a large lilac mug in my direction, which scrapes against the marble surface of my kitchen island. I cordially take the drinking cup between both my hands to be warmly greeted by the mellow feeling, and i take a risky sip of the hot drink, and cough out the liquid immediately, before i accidentally authorise myself to swallow the disgusting liquid, not wanting to consume it.

I place the mug back down, staring at it and my friend in disgust. "Ew! This has milk in it." Connor gave me an odd look, his clear perplexity smothered across his babyface. "Uh, coffee is supposed to have milk in it-"

"Not my coffee's!" i say, crossing my arms over my chest childishly at his failure to impress me with my wake up beverage. Really, Con? I've known you for years, and this is how you treat me? Traitor.

"Well, i'm very sorry then." "As you should be..." i say with a small pout. Connor only laughs manly toward me, and plucks a coffee sachet from a tin perched near the previously boiled kettle, and kindly fills up the mug with the boiled water requested to make my drink.

Now satisfied, i uncross my arms and take an unnecessarily long sip, my pout disappearing. "Thank you. Did you sleep well?"

A humoured breath escapes his mouth, "Yeah, i had a cute blonde sleeping on my chest the whole night." my apple cheeks turn a colour which i'm sure resembles the shade of a tomato at his mention of my position on my friends chest. Connor finds humour in this, and smirks with empowerment at my child-like blushing, "Sorry about that..."

"S'fine. How was your night? Went clubbing?" i chuckle at his misconception of me, as my previously spent evening went very differently than he might think. "You really think i'm the kind of girl to go clubbing? Tsk, fool. Y'know Lauren Thorne?" his eyebrows raise at the mention of her esteemed name, probably not what he was expecting.

❛𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐁𝐄 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐃, 𝐈'𝐌 𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀 𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐗...❜ | 𝐍𝐨. 𝟏Where stories live. Discover now