Birthday Girl ~ Part 5

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I take residence at the back of the auditorium, as the other seats start to fill up. I sigh as Javier sits beside me.

"What's up?" he asks and I cringe. I've never been good at small talk. Or any other unnecessary social interaction.

"There's plenty of other seats."

"Yeah, but I want to sit with you."

I give him a confused loom. Nobody ever wants to sit with me.


I glance straight ahead to end the conversation, and see Isabela turn around and stare at us. I am just able to make out what they are saying. Looking at the floor, I avoid eye contact.

"Hey, the freaks no idiot." she grins, which makes Natalia and Maria turn to look at us as well. Natalia rolls her eyes, applying some shiny lip gloss to her bottom lip, scoffing.

"Come on. You think he'd be interested in her?"

"Of course not." Isabela replies.

"It would still be nice, since she's always by herself." Maria says quietly, and in that moment I am baffled at how she and Natalia were part of the same egg. Maybe it's nurture instead of nature after all.

Isabela and Natalia give her disapproving looks, but Javier speaks over what they say next.

"Whats the name of the coach in P.E.?"

"Its Guero."



"Tell me why he let's you read in class, instead of running." he chuckles, a I give him a small smile.

"Because I found his dog a while back. Well, I actually found his ex, who had stolen his dog."

Drawing my attention, Gerry stands, complaining about no free seats. He goes over to an already seated boy and makes him move.

Quintanilla's voice echoes through the microphone.

"Gerardo. Gerardo, are you done?"

"Looking for a seat, that's all."

"Sit down, please."

I watch as Gerry sits down, fidgeting, slipping his phone out of his pocket and looking at the bright screen.

"Okay. Very well. Welcome to all you juniors. There was a time, not too long ago..." the squeaky hinges of the door swings open and everyone looks at the latecomer.

It's Luis, clutching his papers. Where is his bag? I glare at a snickering Gerry, who is no doubt the reason.

"Luis? Luis! Hurry up, please. Come on. Look there's and empty seat right at the front."

I hate Quintanilla even more in that moment.

Does he not understand? Idiot.

Wolf whistles erupt through the auditorium as people eye the cuts and bruises on Luis's cheek. The poor boy hurries to get out of the limelight towards the free seat.

Scanning the sea of people, I spot the back of Raul's head a few rows in front of us, and he is no doubt clenching his jaw.

"Quiet down! Quiet down. As I was saying, you may not believe it, but, well, for a time, up until recently, all of us humans were able to live without this."

He holds up a cellphone, which even from this distance it is obviously fake. The dim light shines off of his red glasses, making them look even more stupid than usual.

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