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A/N : yippee!! New story!! Hey! Tell me what you think of this one alright?

P.S : this story is Erwin x Reader x Levi x Petra kind of thing.. Just a heads up before you started reading the whole thing..

P.S.S : mind you that this story has swearing..


I skipped while humming as I was heading towards Levi's office. I can't wait to give him the good news.

Once I arrived in front of his office door, I barged in without knocking as usual. Well, its not like he cares anyway. As long as it was me, he was fine with it.

"Levi!" I shouted happily. I noticed the heavy atmosphere in his office but decided to shake it off as nothing because he tends to stress out with his works sometimes.

"(y/n), you should knock the door." He said coldly as he nods at the door.

"Why? You said it was fine." I asked. Something felt wrong but I can't put a finger on it.

"Things changed." He replied.

I furrowed my brow at this.

"Why did you call me here, Levi? Do you need some release from your work?" I wriggled my brow suggestively. I was joking, of course. I knew Levi won't mix work and personal issues. No matter how stressed out he was.

Levi looked at me straight into my eyes. His beautiful gray eyes tells me nothing of his emotions. They were as blank as a white canvas but cold as a freaking ice.

"I'm breaking off with you." He said in one breath.

I held my breath for a second, "What?"

"I'm breaking off with you." He repeated.

At first, I thought he was joking and this was one of the pranks Hanji forces him to comply but when I see the way he looks at me, I knew he meant it. But what I don't understand is why?

Shakily, I whispered, "Why?"

He glares at me with a look full of hatred, "You know why!" He spat.

"What? No, I don't. Please, tell me!" I begged.

"You know why! And I won't spell it out for you! Pack your things off of my apartment and get the hell out! If I see you in my apartment when I get back home, I'll kill you myself." He shouted.

I was stunned, shocked by his unusual behaviour towards me. This is not him. What actually happen that he decided to toss me out of his life so suddenly and harshly like this?

"Get out of my office!"

When he realised I wasn't moving from my spot, he moves from his sit and grab my arm harshly before shoved me out of his office. He slammed the door in my face so hard that I swear I heard the door cracked.

The staff's murmuring and pointing at me accusingly weren't exactly helping in my case. After a while, I headed towards the elevator with tears in my eyes. When the doors to the elevator closed, I realised something. The real reason I went to his office even when he called me here.

Fuck, I forgot to tell him that I was pregnant.


A/N : and that's it!! So, tell me what you think!! Don't worry, she did told Levi that she was pregnant.. But that was in another chapter! So stay tuned~~

Her Babies Daddy [Daddy!Levi X Mommy!Reader] AUWhere stories live. Discover now