Chapter 4

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A/N : I kept my promise! :D


            I woke up the next day feeling fresh... well, as fresh as a single mom with twins could. I tied my hair up in a messy bun before I headed to the kitchen and cooked breakfast for me and my babies.

As I was cooking, I heard my phone rang and decided to leave it at voicemail when I heard his voice. "Hey, (n/n)! It's me, David, remember? I really hope that you're in your house right now because I'm in front of it. I bring ice cream with me!"

I dropped the saddle that I was holding out of shocked. Wait... David? House? Ice cream? What the-

I hurried to my front door not caring of how I look when I opened the door hastily. I really was hoping that he was joking but that hope shattered when I saw an old man with grey hair standing in front of me with a big grin on his face. Wait, where's the paparazzi?

"If you're wondering about the paparazzis, I already sent them to the authorities for public disturbance." He said with ease.

I was speechless as I stared at him.

I guess it was awkward for him because he cleared his throat and said, "Well, aren't you going to invite me in? Old man like me has weak knees, you know?"

I snapped out of my mind and invited him in.

David shrugged off his coat and went straight to my kitchen, "You were cooking, weren't you? Sorry for the late notice, (n/n)."

I stared at him weirdly. "You know you could just knock right?"

He chuckled. "Then there's no fun in that. You should have seen your face when you opened the door."

I sighed. Sometimes I really wonder if Levi is really his child. They are too different!

David glared at me playfully, "I know what you're thinking, (n/n). Levi is my boy! My personality is just too cool for him to handle."

"Are you sure Hanji is not related to you?"

"The glasses girl? Nahhhhh."

I sighed again. "What do you want from me, David?"

"Straight to the point, aren't you?" he smiled.

I shrugged. I already know why he's here though.

"Well, you guess right. I want to finish the ice cream with my grandchildren."

"You can't."

His grin just grew larger, "Thanks, (n/n), I knew you'd let me- wait, what?"

"David, you know why I can't let you in here, in my home. What if he finds out? What if your wife finds out? She won't like it you know."

"Christine? Oh please, she has been dying to meet the twins. Whether you realised it or not, the twins are her grandchildren too."

My eyes went big when I heard it. No. Anything but that. She'll try to break us apart.

"I really think you should go, David. I'm sorry. I should not have let you come in. This is a mistake. Please, leave." I couldn't have done anything to hide my cracked voice. I was too scared of losing my kids.

David looked at me in shocked. He was probably not expecting me to throw him out before letting him see his grandchildren. He walked towards me carefully, "Hey, (n/n), relax okay. Nothing will happen to your kids. I promise. Christine can't do anything at all! Remember the contract you signed. My family can't forcibly take them away without your consent," he reminded me calmly.

Slowly, I relaxed. I noticed David moved closer to me and rubbed my back soothingly. I turned to him and smiled weakly, "I'm sorry, David."

He smiled warmly, "Don't worry, I understand how you feel. You should really stop saying you're sorry. You're not at fault here. If anything, I should be sorry for how Levi acted that day he dumped you. I don't even know what he was thinking! That foolish boy!" his face looked red with anger.

I smiled a little bit. Thankful for his support on me.

Not long after, I heard the 'joyful' cries of my babies. David stopped at the middle of his ranting when he heard them. His eyes looked at me in hopeful. I smiled, "Sure, go meet them, grandpa."

I followed his eager steps to my room where my two beautiful twins are crying their heart out. David held Rivaille first in fascination. "He looked just like his father!" David exclaimed loudly.

"So I've heard."

Rivaille then hit David on his head with his small hands repeatedly until David put him down. David chuckled, "He's 'friendly' like his father too." David then proceed to Mikasa but Mikasa is already on her feet walking towards me with her arms wide open.

"I forgot to tell you that they are not really that fond with strangers."

"Well, I just need to not let them think that way, right? Kids, what about some ice cream with old grandpa?"

Rivaille and Mikasa looked at him warily before they ignore him. Without me noticing, Rivaille has been trying to pull me downstairs to prepare his food. He looked so cute when he tries so hard.

I squealed a little bit and carried him towards the kitchen. I put both him and Mikasa in their kiddy chair before I kissed them both on their cheeks. David came shortly after and opened the ice cream that he brought and tried to make them eat it. They refused and at some point, they started to fussed and somehow Mikasa managed to kick the ice cream off the table. Sometimes I think I gave birth to karate masters instead of little kids.

"Mikasa!" I exclaimed.

"I am so sorry, David! I didn't know that they would act like this."

David shook his head, "I kind of expect that coming."

I looked at him in surprise, "You do?"

"Levi won't let me and the other babysitters near him until he's 10."

"10 months? It's not that long."

"10 years-old." He corrected me.

I gapped at him. That's...

Instead of looking dejected, he looked happy. "Well, now that I've met my grandkids, I should get going! I'll see you later, (n/n)!!!" he then slammed the front door and skipped to his car.

I looked at my kids and noticed that they're doing the same. I sighed, "I really hope that your grandpa is not a masochist."


A/N : there you go! don't forget to leave your thoughts about this chapter! till next time! adiousss 

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