Chapter 1

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A/N : alright! Chapter 1 is here!! Leave your comment, okay?


*Three years later*

I let out a frustrated breath. How did they take these pictures? I waited awhile until it came. The phone rang for a few seconds before I answered reluctantly.

"(y/n)? It's me, Hanji! Remember me?" The voice from the other side said cheerily.

"Hanji, how could I forget someone like you?" I asked. I breathe a sigh of relief without noticing. Well, at least it was Hanji and not him.

Hanji laughed slightly. "It has been-what? Two years since we last saw each other?"

"It's three, actually. So, why did you call me?" I asked, feigned ignorance. I know why she called me.

"I missed you! We were best friends, remember? Let's catch up for a bit." She said.


I took a deep breath. "What about him? Won't he fire you or something? He is still your boss, right?"

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him. Come on, (y/n)!" I could practically heard her cheeky smile forming on her face.

Well, now that the world already knows, fuck it shit happens!

"Alright, where do you want to meet?" I do miss her, you know? We have lost any sort of contact when he break up with me. I knew he would fire Hanji and the rest if they keep in touch with me.

"Let's go to our usual café. You still remember it, right?"

"It's Maria café, of course I remember!" The café was quite far from her workplace, so the chances of meeting him were quite low.

"Okay then! I'll meet you there around two o'clock?"

I nodded before realising that she couldn't see me. "Yeah, sure." I agreed.

"I'll see you there, then! Bye!"

After I said my goodbye, she hang up quickly. That's typical of her. Now I just have to wait and see what was it that she wants from me.


The bell on the café door rang, signalling someone was entering the café. I looked up from my book as I searched up for the person. I saw looking around before she found me on my spot.

She waved enthusiastically at me. I waved back as she makes her way towards me.

"Hey, (y/n)!" She gave me a half-hug before she took her place in front of me.

"Hey." I replied.

I noticed she was looking around as if she was waiting for someone to appear.

"What?" I asked.

"What what?" She asked back.

"Why are you looking around like that?"

"Oh, it was nothing. Are you alone?" She asked.

"Yeah. Well, you said you want to meet me. I didn't know you were expecting me to bring someone else." I replied. I knew who she was asking for, though.

Hanji nodded. "My mistake on that part."

"What?" I tilted my head in confusion.

She grinned before she shook her head. "You look beautiful, (y/n). The years have done you well."

I chuckled. "So have you, Hanji. You look exceptionally radiant today, to be honest."

Hanji grinned wider. "Do you know why?"

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