Chapter 6

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A/N : You all love me for the update, right?? right???


I woke up the next morning feeling fresher than ever. I did all of my morning routine and get ready for work. I went to the kitchen and prepare for my babies breakfast while waiting for Ymir to come babysit my little twins. Not long after, I heard the doorbell rings twice before Ymir came inside with her spare key.

"Oh, hey (y/n). I thought you've gone to work already," she said.

"Yeah, I was about to. Just finishing the twins breakfast. Let me say my goodbye to them first then I'll be on my way."

"Alright," Ymir nodded.

I kissed the twins foreheads a goodbye before I go to work. This is a routine for me. Never forget to kiss my little babies goodbye. Just never forget to kiss them at all.

"I'll go first! Thanks for the help, Ymir!" I hollered.

"Yeah, sure! Be safe!"

I hopped to my car and drove to my company. (L/N) Line. It is a fashion company. It took all of my sweat, blood and time to build this company until it became famous as it is now. I was pregnant too at the time. God knows how hard it was for me back then to gain someone's trust and support for the company. With the rumours and pregnancy, I would be lying if I said everything went smoothly. Thank God for the appearance of Erwin Smith.

My best friend.

My children's godfather.

I parked my car at my company's parking lot. I entered the building with my head held up high. As usual, the workers started whispering as they saw me. Today is louder than usual. That damn magazine, I have already sue them for posting my twins pictures without my permission. I was waiting for the elevator when I heard someone's voice.

"Did you hear? Her children's father is Levi Ackerman, the CEO of Ackerman Industries!"

"Wait, I thought that Mr. Ackerman denied it three years ago?"

"Well, he didn't trust her since they broke up a day before she announced that."

"So you mean he thought that she's lying?"

"He thought that she wants her money, to be exact!"

Few collective gasps were heard from them.

Suddenly I couldn't hear a thing. Someone put a headphone over my ear. I looked up and noticed my dear friend, Erwin. He winked and played a song from his phone. I chuckled when all I can actually hear is gibberish and screams. I don't know about you, but I doubt his music taste.

We entered the empty elevator together when it arrived. I took the headphone off and glared jokingly at him, "You know I can handle gossips just fine, Smith."

"Whatever are you talking about, (l/n)? I was just introducing you to my new favourite song. Thought you'd like to know." He puts his hand over his heart as if he was hurt.

I rolled my eyes at his playful manner, "If you called screaming in gibberish is your new favourite song, I doubt of your older songs."

"Just so you know, my taste in music is excellent, (y/n). I rarely let others listen to my music of choice. You should be proud, little one."

"Just because I'm not a titan like you are, it doesn't mean you can call me little, you know." I huffed.

He chuckled at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2016 ⏰

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