Chapter 5

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A/N : I'm so nice, don't you think so? In this chapter you'll learn the truth.. well are they?

Warning! This chapter contains curses.. like... a lot... well, you know who..

I was slurping my coffee when I heard a slam on my door.

"(Y/N)!" the voice shrieked.

What's wrong with people nowadays with knocking? At least David called me instead of barging in my house like Hanji.

"I'm in the kitchen, Hanji," I shouted.

"Can I see the twins now?" she asked excitedly.

"You can, but they are sleeping. I warn you though, they don't like being disturbed from their sleep."

"Oh please, they can never be angry at their Godmother," she exclaimed proudly.


Hanji looked at me terrified, "You named someone else as their Godmother? I thought the title belong to me?"

I chuckled. I remembered back then she often bugged me to name her as my children's Godmother.

"I didn't. They already have a Godfather, though. Maybe you can get to know him later. He's a very nice guy," I raised my eyebrows suggestively.

"Hah! The day I got a boyfriend is the day I gave birth to unicorns! Which is cool and mysterious... hey, maybe I should get a boyfriend!"

"I'm not sure you'll get unicorns for that..."

Hanji pouted, "Too bad..." and then she suddenly ran upstairs leaving me hanging with my coffee. Not long after, I heard a scream coming from the twins' bedroom. Instead of going upstairs, I continued sipping my coffee, "I told you to not wake them up."

I had to hold my laughter but I just can't. Hanji was a sight to behold. Her face got scratch marks and a tiny little handprint on her face. I bet that was Rivaille's. My children continued sleeping as if they didn't just put her through misery.

Hanji pouted, "Seriously, (y/n), they are so much like their father. Except that they have your (e/c) eyes."

I smiled warmly, "I know."

Hanji stared at me, "Has he make any sort of contact with you?" she asked.

I gulped slightly, knowing who he was. I avoided her eyes before I said, "Not yet. David came for a visit just now though but he didn't say anything about him."


There was an awkward silence before she broke it, "What will you do when he finally contact you?"

I let out a huge breath, "I'll know when that happen. For now, I just want to focus on my kids and career."

Hanji grinned, "Good. Well, I have to go now. I'll see you whenever and wherever."

I shook my head, amused.

"KIDS! MOMMY HANJI IS GOING BACK!!! I LOVE YOU KIDS TO BUNCH!!!!" she shouted loudly before she slammed the door shut.

I was shocked with her sudden shouting but was relief when the kids decided to continue sleeping and ignore her. My kids are really starting to follow their father footsteps regarding Hanji.




I clicked my tongue when I heard shitty glasses' voice. Damn it, here I thought I finally got some peace.

She barged in with her stupid grin on her stupid face. Her face looked uglier with scratches and... is that a fucking small handprint?

"What the hell do you want? Your work is not finish you stupid-" before I could say finish my sentence, she fucking cut me off!

"I met them!"

I clicked my tongue, "If you intend on being vague you can go to your fuc-"

"I met your kids!!"

... what?

"They are so cute and small! Look at this handprint on my face! That's how small his hand is! Your daughter is very good at scratching!" she laughed.

I glared at her, "You met them?"

"Yep! Oh wait!" she took out her phone and waved that thing on my face.

"I took their pictures!" she opened it and shoved it at my face.

I had no choice but to look at it. The little brats were sleeping in their own cribs when shitty glasses started to wake them up. In the next picture, it shows the brats on shitty glasses, scratching and slapping her. It appears that they don't like being disturbed from their sleep. I smirked at this. That's my brats. Wait. Shit. I did not just acknowledge them as mine.

Shitty glasses obviously realised something was wrong when I didn't comment on her blabbering. She sighed, "Shorty, aren't you going to see them?"

I huffed, "I can't. The fucking contract."

"Since when did you obeyed the laws? Go and meet her! Talk it up with her!"

"I won't."

Shitty glasses looked at me angrily, "Ego. You are going to lose your chance of building a family for your fucking ego? You are not going to fight for them?"

"What's the use of it if their own mother hide them for me?"

Shitty glasses slammed her hand on my table. I hope her hands are clean.

"Damn it, Levi! She told you about them three fucking years ago but you didn't listen! Now that the truth is out you still want to deny them as yours?"

"What truth? That their mom was cheating on me?" I snarled.

"And how do you know that?"

"I have proof!"

"Those pictures? Pictures can lie you stupid idiot!"

"The person she was cheating with admitted it himself!"

"How do you know that he was not paid to say that?"

"I just know."

"Have you asked her?"

I clicked my tongue but nothing else came out from my mouth.

Shitty glasses laughed bitterly, "You didn't." she stated.

I clicked my tongue in annoyance.

"Now I know why she's so keen on not letting you in her children's life. You don't even trust her, how can she trust you with her children?"

"I'll force her to."

She shook her head, "Good luck with that, shorty. I guess you are going to see her then?"


She smirked, "I really wish you good luck then," then she's gone just like that.

I grabbed my phone and dialled my lawyer's number, "Hello Mr Ackerman, I have already done with all the documents needed for the contract about your kids."

"How?" I was shocked that he already know what I was about to ask him to do.

He chuckled, "let's just say that I really like Miss (l/n) and I want her back in your life with your kids."


A/N : I really hate Levi in this chapter... but I still love him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Her Babies Daddy [Daddy!Levi X Mommy!Reader] AUWhere stories live. Discover now