chapter one

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I was packing my stuff, math class just ended. I hear kids whispering and looking at me. I'm a openly gay, and since people think it's okay to make fun of someone who can't help who they love, I get beat and made fun of. My parents don't give a shit. When they found out, they wanted me out, but they wanted to be loving parents so I stayed. I get beat at home too. It never stops. The only peace I get is when I I'm at my best friend, Max's house. He doesn't care who I like, his parents don't care either. Once they even tried to adopt me just to get away from my parents, but surprisingly they fought and I stayed, again.
I packed all my stuff and headed out the door. I put my head down and quickly headed to my next class.jsut before I thought I could have made it, Paul takes my hood and drags me to the floor. I yelp and looked at him. he just smirked, his friends started to snicker.

" So fag, think you could have hide from us?" I didn't answer. His smirk turned into a frown and kicked me hard in my side. I cried in pain. He kept kicking me harder and harder.

"Answer the FUCKING QUESTION YOU FAG!" he bent down next to my face and started to beat the living shit out of me. He grabbed my hair and started to bang my head on the floor. I tried to scream for help, but nothing came out.
Some of his friends were giving shocked looks. Paul never did anything like this before. Something or someone, probably pissed him off before he saw me. One of his friends started to shake his shoulders.

"Dude, stop before a teacher finds us. See look, there's already a puddle of blood next to him. Let's just leave!" Paul stop banging my head and looks behind him. I glared at me and then nodded. he got up and left me.
I started to get up and rub my head. I felt the warm blood running down the back of my neck. I looked next to me and saw what the kid ment by puddle of blood.
I sighed. I grabbed my bag and started to make my way to my next class, but before I could even fully open the door I fainted in the class. I heard kids getting up and screaming about the blood. I heard the teacher call 911 and that's all I remember till...

*End of flashback*

I sat on my bed as fast as I could. I could feel the sweat running down my forehead. I took a deep breath and blinked my eyes. I looked around my room. I was in the hospital, again. I sighed and put my head in my hands. I felt tears in my eyes and running down my face. I cried and cried. I can't do this anymore. I can't keeping living in a basement, going to school just to get beat up, and living in the hospital. I heard the door creek and I looked up. I saw a nurse come in with a clipboard.
I knew a couple of nurses, since I cant have the same one each time I end up here, but I knew her the most. She seen me more than any person here, or that's what she says.

" Hello mark, glad to see you again. What has it been? 2 weeks?" She chuckled. I put on a weak smile. She went next to me to make sure everythings fine. She check if I felt any pain or discomfort. " Do you want anything to eat?" I looked up and nodded. She smile and left.

Soon she came back with some pancakes. I'm guessing it's morning than. I said thank you and she nodded, but before she left she stopped and turned to face me.

"Your parents didn't show up again. I'm sorry, but someone named Max was here. He's here if you want him to come here?" I nodded.

"Please, bring him here. Thank you again lily. " I flash her a smile.

"Anytime mark!" She said happy while she gets my friend. I finished me food and waited for Max to show up. Right when I thought he'll never come, I heard my door being kicked down. I jolted up and looked at  max. He ran over to me and hugged me tight.
"Mark I missed you so much! You gave me such a Scare. Are you okay? What happened? How did this to you-" I hushed him since he started to babble. I shaked my head and started to chuckle.

"I'm fine. Sorry for giving you a scare. I really am. Also I can't remember who did this. Sorry." I looked up at him and his face soften.

"You don't have to be sorry. The teachers were looking at the cameras and saw the Paul and his friends did it. The school is pressing charges at the kids. Since they could have killed you." I nodded. " But we need your side of the story too. Which is bullshit because we already have evidence of what they did. So can you please remember?" I looked back at max. Tears are starting to fill his eyes. I frown.

"Max please don't cry. I hate seeing you this.  Seeing you sad for something that happened to me. I still can't believe you stayed with me and my bullshit all these years." I finished and sighed. Max pulled a chair and sat next to my bed. He put his arm on my shoulder.

"Well no duh I kept you. Your funny,smart, and wonderful person to be around with. And I'll always be here for you to help you through your problems." I smiled. I felt tears running down my face again.

" Thank you again max. For all of your help." Max just answers with a smile.


We talked for a bit until Max's mom came and picked max and me up. Since me parents don't give a shit about me, max has been like my mother. While she was signing me out, I grabbed my phone and texted my mom.

You- I'm staying over Max's house tonight and the rest of the week.

Mom- I don't give a shit. Just don't tell them anything that happens in the house.

You- I know mom, you tell me everytime time.

I turned off my phone and looked at max. He was staring at some people who got in a car crash. I tap him on the shoulder to get his attention. He jumped and look at me.

"Yeah?" I smiled.

"We're leaving now. Come on." I tilt my head towards his mom and he nodded. We head to his mom's car. The best thing about Max's place is that I have my very own room, since I come there a lot. It's nice to have a place we're nobody cares about who you love and what you identify.

When we finally made it to his house. He grabbed my wrist and ran to the house. I almost trip over me feet twice while running. We made it to his room. He let go and dig around in his backpack. I looked at him confused. He grabbed something out of it and showed me a video game dic. I rised my brow.

"What is this?" He smirked. He showed me the game and my eyes winded. " NO Way YOU GOT TOMATO RUN 46!!" he nodded and place the game in the console. He turned to me.

"Wanna play?" I smirked at him.

"Is that even a answer?" I ran towards him and grabbed a controller. We played for hours till his mother came in.

"Come on boy's time for bed. You guys got school tomorrow." She looked at max than me. " Mark, if you don't want to go you can stay, so can you max. But you guys need to sleep still." We nodded.

"I'll go. I need to do missing work anyway. Anyway, how long was I in the hospital for?" I asked. She looked at me and her smiled turned into a frown.

" For about a week sweetie." I nodded and stood up.

"Well than let's go to bed right now. Come on max." He let out a groan and stood up. Max's mother smiled and closed the door. I helped max straighten his room and turned off the game. I said goodnight and walked into my room.

I got into my room and made my way to my bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. Damn I looks like shit. I signed. I started to take my clothes off and got in the shower. The warm, hot water hit my back and I felt my body relax. I cleaned my self but couldn't stop thinking about what happened. What did happened? All I remember was going to class and seeing a figure in front of me. Then the rest is black. Then I remember about what I dreamt in the hospital. Did Paul really hit me? Was that rely real or my imagination? I shut my eyes close and sighed. I turned off the water and got out. I put a towel around my waist and went to the main part of the room. I opened my closet and found a big over sized t-shirt. I grabbed it and walked over and grabbed a pair of boxers. I put my clothes on and went over to my bed. I pulled the covers over me and turned off the light.

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