chapter two

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I woke up to the sound of pans being smash together. I jumped and sat straight up. I looked around my room to see max. I groan.

"What the fuck max?!" I sighed. I swang my legs off my bed and stood up.

"First, language. And second, time for school. We're leaving in 30." Max laughed and walked away. I smiled and shook my head. I head to the bathroom and took a nice hot shower. Jeez, that felt nice. I got out and went digging for some nice clean clothes.
While looking I found a white tee, black pants, and a denim jacket. I put them on and grabbed my glasses from the desk. I walked over to my 5ft mirror. God did I look weird. I chuckled and walked over to Max's room.

"Hey where did you put my backpack?" I asked. He turned away from his desk and pointed to the side of his drawer. I look and saw my backpack. I nodded towards him and grabbed it.

"We ready to go?" I asked. He looked back at me.

" You mean going back to hell. Yeah, sure " I chuckled.

"Come one let's go." I step out of the way and headed downstairs. I could smell the eggs from upstairs. I can't believe I didn't smell them before. I walked over to the dinning room table.

"Oh hello boys, you food is almost done. Here bring this to max." Max's mom hands me a plate. I walked over and set it down. Max started to shove food in his mouth like a animal.

"God max, eat like a person. We're not pigs." He rolled his eyes and started to eat again. When I finally got my plate I sat down next to him and started to eat.

After a few minutes. Max's mom told us to leave since school was starting soon.

" You boys go on now. And Mark? If you need to talk to me you can always call, okay,?" I nodded and thank her and walked to school max.


When we finally made it, we headed to out lockers and then class. First class was social studies for me. Max had study hall right now. Social studies was boring. Nothing talk to me and I didn't talk to anyone. We did work and learned about how people lived in the 1600's.
Next was study hall for me. Max's in class so I won't see him till lunch. Which was in 45 minutes. I walked towards the library, but when going there I saw Paul and his friends at the end of the hallway. I froze. Everything from last week hit me. I turned around and walked straight to the bath room. I walked in and nobody's here, great. I went into a stall and sat down. I sighed. Guess I'm studying here.
After about a few good moments I heard the bathroom door open and then Shut. I froze again, not wanting people to know I'm here. I saw feet walking towards my stall and stop. The person started to bang on the door.

"Come one mark, we know your there. Can't hide from us." I glup. Paul and his friends probably saw me. I decided, fuck it. There going to get me no matter what. I started to pack my things And I opened the door.

" Wow mark, your just going to open up just like that?" One of the started to laugh. Paul looked at me and pushed me down.

"Why don't you guys have fun with him." The other started to look around and smirked. They started to kick and kick me over and over again. When they started to get tried, Paul raised his hand and told them to leave, and that he'll take it from there. The others left and I saw Paul knelt down Infront of me. He grabbed my chin and looked at my face.

"W-what are you planning on doing?" I asked. He didn't answer right away.

"I'm planning on looking at the cuts and bruises you have." I looked confused. Why would he want to do that. I felt my cheeks get hot and I looked away from him. The only reason why Paul bully's me is because he thinks I made everyone thinks his gay. We were once friends. Good friends. Then when high school hit everyone thought we were a good couple and thought we were dating.
Paul didn't like that. He was straight and he hated how every girl didn't want to date him. He immediately thought I was doing this. Maybe it was because I was a little to clingy or was it because we never were apart. Since then he has been telling people we "broke up" because I cheated on him.
Which was a lie, but everyone believed him. Now I have people that talks about me because of the "brake up" or the rumors that Paul spreads.
And honestly, the rumors are about how I love him and multiple guys at school, And how I'm a hoe and a slut. Only one rumor is right tho. I'm in love with him. Each time he looks at me I feel good about myself. Each time I feel his hands on me, beating the shit out of me. I still feel fireworks exploding all over me.
I sighed and looked back at him. He was now studying my face. He leaned in, getting closer to me face, but quickly back away. I swear I saw him blush.

" Let me bring you to the nurse. I don't want to get in trouble again." He let out his hand.i was hesitant at first but sooner or later I grabbed it. He tuck his hand under me arm and put his other hand on my wrist.
I blushed at how gentle he touch me. It wasn't full of pain and anger, but it felt like he cared about me.
He walked over to grab my things and headed to the door with me. We still had about 30 minutes till lunch. He dragged me to the nurse office. While going through the hallways. There a a small group of girl who were laughing and just messing around. But one saw us and pointed. The girls started to whisper and then squeal.
Guess people still think we look good together. I glanced as Paul, who seemed pretty calm. Actually he was smiling. He glance at me and he turned red. I chuckled.

We made it to the nurse, and he handed me to her. She set me down and started to look at the bruises.

"These aren't that bad, here's some ice and you can lay down for a bit. Paul, could you stay here and look after your friend? I have my lunch break." She hands me a ice pack, signs out and leaves. Now it's only me and Paul In the room.
Paul sits down across from me, hanging his head down. I put the ice pack on my side. We sat in silence till Paul speaks.

"I'm sorry" I looked up. Paul puts his head in his hands. He started to shake a bit.

" Sorry for what?" I said confused. He shakes his head.

"I did this to you. I hurt you. I been doing this to you since high school. Two fucking years. Just because I didn't want people to think I was gay. I-" I bent down in front of me and I moved his hands off his face. He looked up and I got lost in his eyes.
I leaned forward, and so did he. We were inches apart. Soon, I closed the gap between us.
He didn't move at first, but he slowly started to push against me. I let out a small moan. I pulled away and cupped his face.

" You have nothing to be ashamed about, or even sorry for. I understand where your coming from. I hope we can become friends again, or even more then friends.." I looked up and he smiled.
He pulled me close and kissed me again. He backed away and rested his forehead on mine.

" I would love to be more than friends."  I smiled and we stayed like that until it was time to go. 

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