chapter four

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We Finally caught up with Mary and Jake. Jake had called about us being behind and if we alright. Paul didn't tell Jake about what happened and he said we're fine.
I smiled as he hanged up. I grabbed his free hand and kissed it.
He glance at me and smiled.

"Thanks for not telling jake about what happened. I really appreciate it." I smiled at him. He nodded and pulled into the mall.
We parked next to Mary and Jake and we got out. I walked towards max, teasing him about sitting with Rebecca.
He chuckled, but his soft voice turned into a more serious one.

"Hey mark is everything okay? Was it about your parents?" I flinched at the word 'parents'. I slowly nodded. I looked back at Paul, who had a worry face.

"Can I talk to you in private?" I asked. Max nodded. I told him to wait there for a moment and I walked towards Paul.

" Hey babe, are you okay?" I asked. I nodded and I placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Yeah, I just need to talk to max. We'll go ahead and wait by the entrance. Does that sound good?" He nodded and kissed me again.

"I love you baby" I said in a flirty voice. Paul full on blushed when hearing the pet name. I laughed and walked towards max. I nodded him to follow me and we walked away from the group.

"So mark what happened?" Getting straight to the point. I let out a shaky breath.

"They kicked me out. They finally let me free." I chuckled at what I said. Max out a hand on my shoulder, making me look at him.

"Do you need a place to stay, because me and my mom will always be here for you." He said. I smiled.

"No need, Paul offered me to stay at his place, but still keep my room how it is. I still don't know if the relationship will stay like this forever." He nodded and we walked to the front entrance, and waited for the group to come.

Soon after, we saw the group walking towards us. Mary walked to me and asked if I was okay. I nodded. I walked to Paul and hold his hand.

"Are we ready?" Everyone nodded and we made our way to the clothing store. We passed many stores. There was a candy shop that we passed. I couldn't keep my eyes off it. Paul chuckled.

"Wanna get some?" I blushed and nodded in embarrassment. Paul rubbed my hand with his thumb.

"Your cute when your embarrass." I blushed, making my face redder then it already was.

"Hey guys can we stop at the candy store, mark wants to get some?" Tommy jumped up and down.

"Hell ya! Come on, Mary!" Tommy grabbed Mary's wrist and rushed into the candy store we all laughed and walked in. Me and Paul walked into the chocolate section. It smelled great.
So sweet. I grabbed a bag, where you can put all the your candy and started to fill it. Around half way I moved to where the gummies were. Paul followed and looked at the hard candies.
When I finished with my bag I walked over to Paul and hugged him from the behind. I felt him flinched but then relax.
I kissed his neck and hugged his tighter. He turned around and I now faced him. He cup my face and kissed me. I pressed myself against him and kissed him back roughly.
A small moan spilled out and I felt him smile in the kiss. I pulled away and took a deep breath.
I glance back up, at his perfect eyes and his smile. He dropped one of his hands and it landed on my waist.

"I love you babe" he smiled and rested his head on mine.

"I love you to baby." I smiled. He lifted his head up and looked deep into my eyes.

"Are you sure your okay? Even with everything happening?" I nodded. I loved how much he cared for me. A week ago, he used to kicked and punch me, but now he kisses me, holds me, and protects me. I smiled and rested me head on his chest. I felt one of his hands starting to stroke my hair.
We stayed like that till Jake, tapped me on my shoulder. I lifted my head to look at him.

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