chapter three

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Me and Paul got our stuff and left to get to lunch. Me and Paul walked, just talking and laughing together. We were having such a great time till max pulled me away.

" Mark what are you doing with him?! Ugh I don't even what to know, come one I have to talk to you" he dragged me away. I looked back at Paul. He had a frown on his face. I smiled and waved goodbye. He smiled a little and waved back.
Max dragged me to another hallway and let go.

"What the hell mark! What were you doing?" I didn't know why was he so angry about. I sighed.

" Paul and I were just talking. His beat me up, he stayed behind and brought me to the nurse. Then something happened.." I trailed away. Max had a confuse but worry face.

"What did he do?" His voice soften. I looked back up.

"We kissed" I don't know why I  went straight to the the point, but I did. I looked at Max's confuse face.

"What?" He asked. I chuckled.

" Well, in the office Paul apologize to me. He said that he bullied me because he thought I was making people think he was gay. You remember that right." Max nodded. " Then i kissed him and he kissed back."

" Mark, I'm really happy that you two are in love, but doesn't it seem to soon? He almost killed you on Monday and now you think it can be covered up by some kiss?" I never thought about it like that.

" I know it seems fast but, I love him. Can you just be happy for me?" I said. I heard him sigh.

"Okay fine. But if it doesn't work, know that I tried to help you. And if he hurts you, I will kill him." I chuckled.

"Thanks" I said. He just smiled.

" Let's go and get some lunch. I want to meet your boyfriend" he smirked and I blush. He laughed and we headed to lunch.
While walking I saw Paul and his friends he looked up and saw me. I saw how his face lit up with happeness. He walked awhile from his group and head towards me.
Soon he was Infront of me. We stayed quiet till max spoke up.

" Hey Paul, sorry for dragging mark away from you" Paul turns to face him. He smiled.

"It's fine" I glad he isn't mad. Since the bathroom thing his whole attitude towards me and others. I smiled. I grabbed one of his hands and intertwine mine with his. I saw a light blush go across his face.
I was about to say something about how easy it was to make him blush, till Paul's friends started to walk towards us.
One kid named Jake, Paul's best friend spoke up first.

"Well Paul, I see you finally got mark. I'm happy for you. Also hey mark. Sorry for everything. I- no we know that it's a late apology, but -" I cut him off.

"It's fine. I really don't care. Sure it hurts, but I can forget about it. Friends?" I asked. I held out my hands.

"Friends" he grabbed my hand And shook it.
We stayed in the hallway till we realized that lunch is going to end soon. We hurried over and got our food.
We when walked in a lot of people stop eating and started to talk to there table mates. I felt weird and uncomfortable. Paul saw this and rubbed his thumb against my hand.

"Hey it's okay, I'm here okay?" I nodded. We continue to walk. While getting in line I saw that max was talking to a guy named Rebecca. She knew Paul since 4th. They dated but it didn't last long since they believe that they were better friends than lovers.
Max was laughing and turning red, so was Rebecca. I smiled. Glad he got someone.
When we got our lunch we sat at Paul's table and talked. Paul sat on my left and max on my right. Next to him was Rebecca. On the other said of the table thee was Jake, tommy(Jake's brother) and Mary.
I didn't know Mary and Tommy really well, but they were fun to hang out with. Tommy thinks he's funny, but when he tells one, Mary comes along to say something about it and we laugh.
I never had this much fun since freshman year. While talking, the principal made a  announcement.

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