chapter five

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I woked up by the smell of bacon. I got up and rubbed my eyes. I swang my legs off the bed and walked to the kitchen.
There I saw Paul cooking. I smiled and walked behind me. I put my arms around him and snuggled in his shoulder.

"Good morning baby. How did you sleep?" He asked. I sighed.

"Good, you kept me warm all night." I smiled. He turned off the stove and turned around.

"Are you ready too eat, baby?" He asked. I nodded and grabbed my plate. I sat down on the island and started to eat. Paul grabbed his plate and sat next to me.
We ate in silence. There wasn't really anything to take about.

"So what do you want to do today?" I asked. He shrugged.

"We can hang out with the rest of the group, or just sleep more." I chuckled at the last part.

" Why don't we go to bed. It's 1 pm and I'm still tired." He smiled. He got and put our plates in the sink and walks towards me.
He carry's me bridal style into our room.
He placed me on the bed, while he closes the door and hopes in with me.
He grabbed my waist and brings me closer to him.
I smiled and turned to face him. I snuggled in his chest, and went to sleep.

(Were going to skip Sunday because I'm lazy. They hangout  and watched movies all day.)

It was finally the day. The day of the dance. I woked up in Pauls arms. I kissed his lips and got up. I grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom. I took my clothes off, and headed to the shower.
After I was done with my shower. I got changed in some clothes. Just a white shirt, black pants, and a grey jacket.
When I got back into the room I saw Paul looking around. When he spotted me and relaxed.

"I thought you left me." He chuckled. I laughed quietly and walked over to him. I cupped him face and leaned in.
I smashed my lips onto his. He grabbed my waist and pulled my closer. I pulled away for air.

"I would never leave you, your such a funny and kind person. Should I also mention, how your a great kisser." I smirk. He blushed and looked away. I laughed and I pulled him close to me, but before I could kiss him, my phone rings.
I picked up and it was the school. They said that  school will start around 13am today and to make sure we bring our clothes.
I said thank you and hanged up.
Paul looked at me weird.

" What was that all about?" I sat down next to him.

"School starting later and to make sure we bring our suits. We only have about 30 minutes of alone time till we head to school" I looked at him. " What do you want to do?" He looked up and shrugged.

"Well sex is out of the window. We can watch, or watch some of a movie?" He looked back at me. I shrugged at him. I got up and headed towards the living room. Paul followed.
I sat down and turned on the TV, I pated a seat next to me. He jumped and landed on the spot. We got comfy and started to watch a movie.
It was going good till we got a call. I reached over for my phone. Max was calling me.
I answer the phone.

"Sup max, how are you?" I looked at Paul and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Good, good. Look the rest of the group wants to hang out before school starts. Come one we only have three hours, also bring you suits."  Before I could even answer back, he ends the call. I sighed.

"What happened? Everything thing okay?" He asked. I nodded.

" Yea, the group wants to hang before school starts. Told us to bring our suits." I said while standing up. I heard Paul groan.

"Why did you tell them no? I want to spend time with you today." I smiled. I walked over and knelt Infront of him.

"Couldn't even tell him. Don't look so sad, we will spend time tonight. Maybe even, take it a little faster..." I spoke quietly. I looked back at Paul, who had a shock face. I smirked and kissed Paul. He cupped my face and broke away.

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