chapter six

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Paul lead me to the middle of the dance floor and held his hand out.

"Would you like to have this dance with me?" Paul asked. I gladly took his hand and pulled him closer.

"Of course!" We smiled like goof balls and started to dance. It was lovely. Each time Paul touched me, it felt like fireworks. he was gentle. He was elegant. He Swayed, and danced smoothly around the floor. Each time I looked in his eyes and I get lost in them. Their dark brown that reminds you of chocolate, people may say that's a boring color. But I think it tells some much.
I pulled him closer to me again, and kissed him. He put his hand on my waist and pulled closer, if that was possible.
I never wanted to leave, but we had to breath, so we pulled apart and looked in his eyes.

"I love you Paul. Please don't leave me, because I'm weak, dumb, or that I'm not enough." I looked at him. " Do you promise?" I asked. He nodded, he leaned in but I pulled away.

"I want you to use your words." He nodded again, then spoke.

" I promise. I'll never leave you for anything. Your too perfect for me. Your kind, caring, funny, and your enough for me. Don't let people bring you down.' I smiled and kissed him.
We decided that we'll take a break of dancing and to check on the others. Jake and Victoria were drinking punch.
We head over and got our self's cups.

"So where is everyone?" I asked. Jake pointed to where the rest were. We looked up and I smiled. Max and Rebecca were kinda slow dancing, while tommy was talking to Mary.
I nodded and continued to look at the couples.
Max took the first move. He leaned in slowly and kissed Rebecca. Rebecca kissed right back. After a while, max left the dance floor while Rebecca was waiting for him by the doors.

"Hey mark, thanks for the advice. I see Tommy didn't do anything. Look, I'm going to leave with Rebecca and-" I handed him some condoms. He blushed. I leaned by his ear and spoke.

"Your going to need these" I backed away and laughed. I pushed max to the doors and left with Rebecca. Right after they left, I felt a tap on my shoulder.
I looked behind me and saw Jake holding his hand out.

" You owe me ten bucks. You know that Tommy isn't going to do it." I shake my head.

" We bet who did it better. He's going to do it. " I looked back at Tommy.  Jake just rolled his eyes. Victoria and Paul moved away from us and got some food. I smile. I'm glad Paul is making friends.
I looked over at Tommy. He was talking to Mary, sweating. He grabbed her arm and looked in her eyes. Mary started to nod then lean over to Tommy. Tommy leaned a little more and connected.
Things got alittle heated, but they soon pulled apart. Mary kissed his cheek and walked over to grabbed her things.
Tommy walked over and hugged me.

"Thank you, thank you so much mark! I knew you wouldn't lie to me." Tommy looked over at Jake and hugged him too. "Thank you too Jake, for not letting me down" Jake just nodded and pushed him towards Mary, who was waiting.
We waved goodbye. I smiled and looked towards Jake. I held out my hand.

"Come on, that was pretty good." Jake shook his head and gave me ten bucks.

"Thanks" I smiled.
Me and Jake talked for a while. Time to time, Tommy or max would text or call about how their night was going.
Turns out max turned down doing sex with Rebecca, she was fine with that and they decided to watch movies. On the other hand, Tommy and Mary did it. I felt a smile on my face. I'm glade their doing good.
I felt a tap on my shoulder, which made me snap out of my thoughts.
Paul looked at me and I looked at him.

"Can we leave? It's late and I want to spend time with you alone." I smiled.

"Sure, why the hell not" now it was his turn to smile and he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the car.
The car ride there was nothing special. The  Tension was thick, like you can feel it with your hands. We were excited. I never thought that my bully, Paul white, would ever kiss and hold me like he does.
I looked over at him and grabbed his free hand. I kissed it and went back to looking at the window, still not removing me hand from his.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked. Trying to look at me and the road. I nodded.

" I thought about it for a while. I feel like you'll be the perfect person to do it with. Your gentle with me, your kisses are like haven. Everything about you, makes my body crave you." I looked at him and saw a deep blushed painted on his face. I smiled.

" Do you want to do it?" He nodded.


When we finally made it home, right after I shut the door, Paul pushed me to a wall. He kissed me and put his hands on my waist.
I let out a small moan and tried to lean closer to him. He left me lips and went towards me neck. I gripped his shoulders and let more moans out.
He grabbed my ass and pushed up, I put my legs around his waist and we went to the bedroom.
He pushed me on the bed and we started to take our clothes off, till we'll only left with our boxers.
He looked at me.

"Are you ready?"


Paul fell next to me, breathing hard. I felt his hands on my waist and I was pulled closer to him.  I snuggled in his chest and rest my head on his shoulder.

"That was great. We should do more?" He asked. I nodded.

"Oh god yes." I said. He chuckled and kissed my head.

"I love you Paul"

" I love you too mark. So fucking much" he kissed me again and started to drift asleep. I started to close my eyes and fell asleep.

The only things I dreamt was Paul.

And only Paul.

OMG it's done. It was really long in my opinion. It was shortish and not that many sexual scenes. I'm proud of this book. Thank you guys for reading. Yeah, it only has about 20 reads, but still. Thank you so much for reading this.

Love you all! ♥️

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