three [we don't wanna be like them]

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When Colin had asked Penelope to homecoming in front of the whole school, she had never imagined the amount of attention that would be on her. Sure, she had expected to go with him. They had been dating for a few months. But she didn't expect him to ask her like this.

"What do you say, babe?" Colin asks her again.

"Oh yeah, sorry," Penelope smiles. "Of course I'll go with you."

Colin smiles back brightly and brings her into a hug.

Colin wasn't a sports star or anything but he was the golden boy. He got amazing grades and his volunteer hours were already pass the limit he needed. Colin loved to be active with his classmates and his community. While Penelope was an incredible student as well, she wasn't as active in the community as Colin was. Because she was bullied by everyone in this school.

She had opened up to him about it after they had started dating and Colin had always stood up for her when she couldn't stand up for herself. But she still couldn't help but feel that he deserved a better girlfriend then she was.


It was the night of the dance and Penelope was getting ready with her sisters. She didn't want her sisters there but they insisted and her mother agreed. She didn't feel like getting on anyones bad side tonight so she said yes.

"Are you excited?" Prudence asked her as Penelope was finishing her final touches with her makeup.

"It's just a dance," Penelope replied.

"But you have a date this year!" Prudence says.

"He's my boyfriend, it's not like I would go to this dance without him," Penelope says.

"Why aren't you excited?" Philipa asks

"Like I said, it's just a dance. I hate half of the school. I'm only going because Colin asked me and he's really excited," Penelope says, smiling slightly at the memory of Colin being so excited about the dance. "I'd do anything for him to be happy."

Before either of the sisters can speak, their mother knocks on the door.

"Colin's here," her mother smiled.

Penelope had never had a good relationship with her mother. It just wasn't something her mother had ever gave her. Her sisters were always her main attention. But when Penelope and Colin started dating, Portia was very involved in Penelope's life.

Penelope smiled back as she put on her shoes and walked with her sisters out of her room. Her sisters waited at the top of the staircase, her mother at the bottom, as she walked down. Colin beamed brightly at her.

Her dress was knee length, with off the shoulder long sleeves, and a mid length slit on her right thigh. The slit wasn't very revealing but it was there. It was light blue with sparkles all over it. She was wearing white heals and a white clutch bag in her hands.

When she reached the bottom, Colin held his hand out for her and she took it.

"You look beautiful, pen," Colin smiled.

"Thank you," Penelope smiled back before lightly kissing his cheek.


The dance was going great. A lot better then Penelope would've thought. She really didn't think she'd have a lot of fun, but Colin truly made everything fun.

It was perfect. Almost perfect at least. Cause Cressida, being the cold bitch that she was, spilled her drink on Penelope while trying to flirt with Colin. I'm front of her. Penelope had quickly ran off to the restroom and started drying her dress. But it wasn't exactly working.

"Hey, are you okay?" Colin asked, walking into the restroom.

"What are you doing!" Penelope silently shouted. "This is the girls bathroom!"

"You're fine! Half of the kids are making out in the gym," Colin replied.

"I- that's not really what I meant but okay," Penelope giggled.

"You okay?" Colin asked her.

"Not really," Penelope replied. "I can't fucking believe her. Not only does she spill her drink on me but she flirts with my boyfriend right in front of me, that bitch."

"Hey, hey, don't let her affect you. Babe, you know you're the only one I have my eyes on, right?" Colin asked.

"I know, but, look at her. And look at me. She's the one everyone wants and I'm, me," Penelope sighs.

"And what do you mean by that?" Colin asked.

"Col," Penelope said quietly. "I love being with you. And you know that. But there's so many people who are judging us. You're you, you're the golden boy. I'm the quiet girl. It's cliché and no one believes it could happen."

"But it did," Colin replies, quickly cupping her face. "I fell for you. We don't want to be like everyone else."

Penelope looked at him, she couldn't help the tears that started to build up in her eyes.

"Gosh, you can really do no wrong," Penelope smiled.

"I try," Colin smiles back.

Penelope giggles lightly before pulling him closer and kissing him.


When the two walk back out of the bathroom, Cressida is right there. She looks furious. Penelope, having Colin's sweater over her dress, walks towards her.

"You can be mad. You can act like a bitch. You can be bitter. I don't give a fuck. But Colin is my boyfriend. So back the fuck up," Penelope says as calmly as she can.

Cressida looks more mad at her words. But doesn't say anything as she storms off.

"I'm proud of you," Colin whispers in her ear.

Penelope smiles and puts her hand in his.

"Come on, let's catch a last dance before we leave?" Penelope asks.

"That sounds like a perfect idea," Colin smiles.

They danced together for the rest of the dance and Penelope could've never been happier.

A/N the idea was better in my head.

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