five [senior year]

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A second part to 'secrets between us' <3


Penelope had walked into the school building on the first day of senior year, feeling emotional. She looked down at her uniform and realized this was the last year she would be wearing it. It kinda sucked to be honest. She didn't realize how much she would miss this place.

"And you can not get emotional on the first day of school," Colin smiles as he walks up to her.

"Fuck off," Penelope smiles. "I will be emotional if I like, okay?"

"Hm, okay," Colin smiles and brings her forward to place a kiss to her lips.

"Come on, the pep rally starts soon," Colin says.

"Last one for the first day of school," Penelope sighs.


Penelope tried not to be too emotional because she didn't understand why she was. It was school, she basically hated this place. But then again it was her second home. It was the place she met Colin. It was the place she met Eloise. It was the place with her squad. And she didn't want to leave that.

Colin, despite saying otherwise, felt the same. He didn't want to leave the school. He would've said for his friends but honestly, he didn't want to leave because of Penelope. She was his home and leaving that was not something he wanted to do.

At lunch that day, Colin was sitting at a table when Penelope walked into the cafeteria and Colin pulled her into his lap. He could tell something was wrong with her but he couldn't figure it out.

"What's wrong, baby?" Colin whispers in her ear.

"Nothing," Penelope replies softly.

Colin looked at her and Penelope sighed, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the cafeteria.

"Now what's actually wrong?" Colin asks.

"It was just a fight with my mom, it's fine," Penelope replied.

Colin looked at her worriedly but she just brushed it off. She really didn't want to talk about it and he understood. He placed a kiss onto her lips and she smiled at him.

But that wasn't the end of that.


"I didn't do anything!" Penelope shouted at her mother.

"That is a lie! What is wrong with you!" Portia shouted back.

"Why does it matter so much!" Penelope yelled to her.

"Because I'm not going to be raising a little slut!" Portia shouted.

Penelope stopped. Was her mother really shamming her? Colin was her boyfriend, she was allowed to kiss him, allowed to sit on his lap. As long as both of them were comfortable with the situation they were in, they could do what they'd want.

"He is my boyfriend! I kissed him and all of a sudden I'm in trouble?" Penelope replied. "You always have a problem with something I do. And I'm fucking done with it."

Portia was about to speak again, to shout at her again. But Penelope stopped her before she could.

"Prudence has done the exact same thing and so has Pippa but I'm the one getting yelled at?" Penelope said. "Why do you hate me so much! You want me to move out at eighteen? Gladly. I'll just go move in with Colin until I graduate."

"Like Violet Bridgerton would want you in her house!" Portia yells.

"She's more of a mother then you have ever been to me!" Penelope yells back.

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