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After Andy's death Kelly and Matt couldn't stop blaming each other. It did not only show in their work but also in their personal life.

Before Andy had died, Kelly and Matt were in a happy relationship with the love of their life, Michelle Valentine. They met because Michelle was the daughter of Ellie Valentine, chief Boden's administrative assistant, and she sometimes came around to bring her mom lunch. Kelly and Matt were always looking forward to those moments. Ellie noticed almost right away that both luitenants had feelings for her daughter. Almost the entire firehouse did as the luitenants were not really trying to keep it hidden. However, Michelle didn't see it until they asked her out. Together.

Michelle was hesitant to accept their invitation cause how would that even work? But Matt and Kelly had talked it through and came to the conclusion that both were madly in love with the girl and both wouldn't mind that their best friend would be with the girl as well. As long as it would only be their best friend and not someone else. They did have some jealousy issue with other men.

Everything seemed fine for the three and some years they had been dating. They lived together and really found their way doing this as a trio instead of a couple. It did get them some weird looks which made Michelle hesitate sometimes but Kelly and Matt were quick to reassure her that she was it for the both of them and they didn't care what others would think. Both were ready for the next step, they were just waiting for her.

But that all changed when Andy died. Kelly and Matt couldn't bear to be near each other and both tried to make Michelle choose. Which was definitely not fair because they told her multiple times that she wouldn't ever have to choose between them. Michelle thought it would blow over, but two weeks later it still hadn't. That's why she told them it was over and moved back in with her mom. Ever since that day Kelly and Matt were fighting even more until Kelly saved Matt and Herrmann almost a month later and they were friends again. Now all that's left to do is get Michelle back but they hadn't even seen her since the breakup.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

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