Chapter 1

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It was the day of the annual firefighters' barbecue and Michelle was definitely not planning to go. Since the breakup she had not seen Kelly nor Matt and she wanted to keep it like that. It wasn't for their lack of trying. They did try to call her and text her but she never responded. They even came to her house a couple of times but the Valentine girl did not bother to get the door.

When Herrmann was in the hospital, Michelle chose to stay with his children so that his wife could visit him. It wasn't like Michelle was actively avoiding everyone from Firehouse 51, just the luitenants.

Her mom was having none of it though. She wanted her daughter to get back together with the luitenants as they were miserable without her and she was miserable without them. Only thing was that her daughter was incredibly stubborn so she would need a little push. That's why Ellie told Michelle that it was absolutely necessary for her to come to the barbecue. Ellie spoke to chief Boden, told him about her plan and the chief was more than happy to help. He wanted to see his luitenants happy again and he missed the presence of the Valentine girl. And to be honest he also missed her cooking. Seeing as Matt and Kelly were often on the same shift, Michelle usually came to cook for everyone so she could eat with them. Something everyone appreciated as it made their luitenants a lot nicer and the food was delicious. That's why they thought of the plan that Ellie would be honored at the barbecue for her years of service and receive a made-up award so Michelle couldn't say no to coming.

"You have to come, sweetheart. I'm going to get an award" Ellie told her daughter, while getting ready. "What kind of an award?" the 29-year old asked her mom, a bit sceptic. "An award for being the best administrative assistant of Firehouse 51" Ellie said, making Michelle snort while saying "you're the only administrative assistant of Firehouse 51" "well I think it's nice they want to honor my work and I would appreciate it if my favorite daughter was there to see it." "I'm your only daughter, but fine. What time is this ceremony?" "I'm not sure but we can spend some time at the barbecue, right?" "Mom, you know I don't want to see them right now" Michelle told her mother. "I know, but they don't know that you're coming so I'm sure we can avoid them" Ellie told her daughter while thinking to herself that they were definitely not going to avoid them. "Fine. But if I see them, I'm walking the other way." Michelle stubbornly said. "Sure sweetheart"

Arriving at the barbecue, Michelle first noticed Leslie Shay and Gabriela Dawson with their respective dates. Luckily Kelly and Matt were nowhere to be seen so Michelle told her mom she was going to say hi to the paramedics. "Hey guys, what's up?" "Oh my god! Hey! Haven't seen you for quite some time" Gabby said, while pulling Michelle in for a hug. "This is Gary, my date" she continued, introducing the both of them before Shay interrupted "hey! I've missed you! How are you doing? Casey and Serveride are not doing well" Shay said, making Michelle cringe a bit not wanting to talk about her exes. "Who's this?" Michelle asked, directing her attention to Shay's date in an attempt to change the subject. "This is Corinne" Shay said, catching on what she was doing and introducing them. The five of them quickly got talking until something caught Michelle's attention. "Who's the guy in the uniform?" Michelle asked. "Oh that's Peter Mills. He's the new candidate for truck. Otis told him it's tradition to come in full ceremonial gear." Gabby said, laughing, making Michelle laugh as well. "Poor guy. Should we step in?" "You're the only single one at this table" Gabby joked, making Shay sign that this was not a good plan. Matt and Kelly have always been jealous. If the first time they saw their girl again would be with the candidate, his life would be made a living hell.

Before any of the girls could give a response, they heard someone tapping on a microphone. "Hello, can everybody hear me?" Chief Boden asked, continuing after he received a positive response "it's my honor to present the best administrative assistant of Firehouse 51 with the award for being the best administrative assistant of Firehouse 51! Give it up for Ellie Valentine!" He announced, asking Michelle's mom up on the stage under the loud cheers of the firefighters.

"Thank you, chief. I would like to thank everyone at Firehouse 51 and of course my beautiful daughter Michelle who's here today as well" Ellie said, making Michelle frown as she was successfully avoiding most of the members of Firehouse 51 who hadn't even seen her but that bubble was bursted as her mom called her out for everyone. Not soon after, she spotted Kelly and Matt looking for her along with the other firefighters making her realize that this was her mother's plan all along and bidding goodbye to Dawson, Shay and their dates. Unfortunately she was spotted by Herrmann before she could make a break for it.

"Hey kid, how you doing? We're missing you at the firehouse" Herrmann said. "I'm fine" she told him before she realized she couldn't just walk away. Herrmann was in the hospital and she hadn't seen him since so she should ask him how he was. "How are you?" She asked him, hoping Kelly and Matt hadn't spotted them yet. "I'm fine" he said smiling, before adding "all thanks to Severide and Casey. Want to come say hi to them?" He asked her, making her shake her head wanting to deny but Herrmann had already spotted the two luitenants and they had spotted Herrmann and Michelle. "Here they come. I think I'm gonna go now." Herrmann said, excusing himself while Michelle was truly considering to make a run for it even though both of them were faster than she was and would catch up with her in no time.

"Hey beautiful" "hey gorgeous" she heard from behind her, making her sigh before turning around.

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