Chapter 7

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"Does this mean we are officially together again?" "Yes, babe you're our girlfriend and we're your boyfriends" Kelly joked, making fun of his girl while walking her and Matt to Matt's car. "Don't make fun of me" Michelle pouted, making Matt say "we're officially together sweetheart. Kelly's just messing with you." "That means I get to call detective giggles and his cockblock partner and tell them the dates are off, right?" Kelly asked, supposedly innocently. "I will call them myself, thank you very much." Michelle said, laughing at how much Kelly wanted to give the two guys a call. "Severide, you coming to Ellie's place to help us get the stuff in my car?" "Yeah, I'll be right behind you guys. See you in a bit, princess" he answered Matt while directing the last part to Michelle and kissing her goodbye.

"So it's Ellie's place now?" Michelle asked Matt while they were driving to her mom's house. "It's always been Ellie's place, sweetheart. Our place has always been your home." he answered, grabbing her hand and pressing a kiss to it. "I love you" he told her, making her look at him and say "I love you too." "I'll never get tired of hearing that." Matt said, making her smile at him while pulling on their hands so she could press a kiss on them as well.

"What are they doing here?" was the first thing Kelly said after they met up at Ellie's front door. Kelly was referring to Jay and Adam who were sitting in Ellie's living room. "Don't look at me" Michelle said making clear she had nothing to do with it before walking inside.

"Hey mom!" Michelle yelled out, hearing "kitchen!" being called by her mother so she knew where to go. "Oh hey guys, what are you doing here?" Ellie asked Kelly and Matt after greeting her daughter. "Well, my dearest mother-in-law, we're here to pick up our girl's stuff and move her back in with us." Kelly said, grinning from ear to ear. "Finally! I already said to her she should've talked to you sooner. You see, sweetie, true love always finds it's way back." Ellie gushed, happy to accept the two boys again as her sons-in-law not that there was any question whether or not they would be her sons-in-law again. Ellie knew that the three were meant to be together. "You see, sweetheart, you should always listen to your mom" Matt joked, pulling Michelle towards him to give her a kiss on the temple.

"Now, Jay and Adam showed up on my doorstep looking for you so if you could go talk to them so I can have my living room back?" Ellie asked Matt and Kelly, making Kelly walk towards the living room, ready to stake his claim on the girl, making Michelle rush forward to stop the man, saying "I can handle that myself, thank you very much. Could you maybe get my stuff downstairs? It's not a lot since I left most of it at your place when I left." "Our place" Kelly corrected, making Michelle smile, before repeating "our place". "We'll go grab the stuff. If you need any help, just call out." Matt said, squeezing Michelle's hand in passing.

"Hey guys" Michelle said to Jay and Adam who were currently in her mother's living room for some reason. "Hey Michelle" "hey beautiful" Jay and Adam said, both standing up to greet her with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "What are you doing here?" she asked the boys curiously. "Well, I'm here because of this afternoon. I'm sorry I had to leave in such a hurry. Do you maybe want to grab dinner with me tonight?" Jay said before Adam started talking "or with me? We can go again tomorrow if you want?" Making Michelle laugh awkwardly before saying "I would love to go out with you as friends" making Jay and Adam look at her as if she kicked their puppy. "What- why?" Adam asked before Jay said "I thought we would be a great match" "well, after we had coffee I met with Kelly and Matt and we got talking again and we're back together" Michelle said, making Jay say "oh wow! That's great! Congrats!" "Yeah, congrats" Adam added. Michelle knew they were happy for her but they were also bummed out. Before she could say anything in response, Matt walked in and said "thanks guys. We're really happy." before wrapping his arm around Michelle and kissing her head. "I hope we can still be friends?" Michelle asked the two. "Yeah of course. Let's meet up for lunch or something soon" Jay said, walking forward and giving Michelle a hug before shaking Casey's hand and saying "you got a good one, man. Take care of her." "We will." Matt said appreciatively. "Don't let her go again man" Jay said to Kelly who joined the group downstairs after carrying down a couple of boxes. "We won't" Kelly assured Jay accepting his hand shake as well.

"Of course we're still friends" Adam said towards the girl before giving her a hug. "I assume dinner tomorrow is off the table?" he asked, making Michelle say "maybe breakfast is better" "I'll hold you to that" he joked, before turning towards Kelly and Matt "better make sure she doesn't slip away again guys. She's one of the good ones" "that she is" Matt said shaking his hand, as did Kelly before Adam left with Jay.

"You happy now?" Michelle asked Kelly seeing the smug grin on his face. "Oh definitely. But I'll be happier if I got you back at our place. You ready?" "Yeah, just let me grab my car keys and say goodbye to mom" "We'll load these in my car" Matt said, referring to the stuff the guys got out of her room.

"Mom?" "Yeah sweetheart?" "I'm gonna check my room and then I'm gonna go with Matt and Kelly, alright?" "Of course. Come here you." Ellie said, wrapping her daughter in a hug. "As much as I loved having you here last month, you're making the right choice. You belong with those boys." "Thanks mom, I love you" "I love you too, sweetie. Now go see if they got everything. Are you coming around for dinner on Friday's again?" "Wouldn't miss it for the world, El" Kelly said, showing up in the doorway, making Ellie laugh. Walking up to Kelly, Ellie wrapped him in a hug and told him "don't hurt my baby again, alright? Take care of her." "Of course El. We're not making the same mistake again." Kelly assured the older woman who then moved on to Matt who had joined the three while Ellie was hugging Kelly. "That goes for you too, young man. Take care of my daughter." "We will, Ellie. We love her." Matt said, further assuring his mother-in-law.

"Well, then I'll see you tomorrow at the firehouse. I'm having company over so you need to go" Ellie said, making Michelle burst out laughing because she was being kicked out basically. "I have the last of my stuff" she told Kelly and Matt before saying goodbye to her mom "have fun mom." "Oh I will" Ellie replied, making Michelle say "tmi mom, tmi"

After the three of them got into their respective cars and drove to their place, Kelly and Matt helped her moving her stuff back in.

"I think pizza is in order to celebrate the homecoming of our girl" Kelly said, grabbing the menu of their favorite pizza place. "I couldn't agree more" Matt said cuddling closer to Michelle who was coming to lay with him as Kelly stood up.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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