Chapter 4

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Michelle was furiously getting her bag and putting her clothes back on when Matt walked into the room, grabbing her hands and making her look at him. "Babe, calm down. Kelly didn't mean it like that." "Then how did he mean it, Matt?" Michelle snapped, pulling her hands back. "Kelly's just worried, alright? Maybe you never saw it but when we were together, Jay was definitely hitting on you. Just like Adam." "So?" "So? Don't you see sweetheart? He's scared of losing you. That's why he reacts like that. Now that you're not our girl, he's scared someone is going to swoop in and take you away from us before we can make up." "I- fuck." Michelle said, throwing herself on the bed. "This is just so confusing." she moaned into his pillow. "We'll figure it out, alright? Just keep communicating with us and keep in mind we're only looking out for you. We'll wait for you. Please just give us another chance" Matt pleaded with the girl.

"It's just- I really want to but I don't know what to do Matt. You really hurt me." Michelle said, looking at Matt with a broken look. "And there isn't a day where we don't regret that, sweetheart. We will do anything to make it up to you. We want to be together again. Just let us know what to do to make that happen." "I-" "Casey! There's a big accident, chief is calling everyone in. Let's go!" Kelly yelled, running past the room to get changed to go to the station. "Come by for dinner tonight?" Matt asked her, hopefully while quickly getting dressed in his uniform. "I will. Be careful." She told him, giving him a hug and kissing his cheek. "Here babe. Take my car. We'll take Matt's. Sorry we can't drive you home." Kelly said, meeting Michelle in the living room, changed in his uniform. "I'm sorry okay? It's just-" "I know. Thanks Kelly. Be careful, alright?" she told him, kissing his cheek before grabbing her stuff and walking outside towards Kelly's car. Waving goodbye to the boys that were rushing towards Matt's car and quickly driving off.

Why was this so hard? They were so sweet and thoughtful and she really felt like they are trying to make up for the last month and a half they were broken up but Michelle didn't want to feel like she did when they turned on each other.

Driving towards her mom's place she was hoping the man from last night would've left their place already and luckily he did. "Hey mom." Michelle greeted her mom by kissing her cheek when she walked past the older woman, grabbing a cup of coffee for herself as well. "Hey sweetheart. How was last night?" Ellie asked her daughter. Curious to find out if her daughter and her sons-in-law were back together. "Complicated. I don't know what to do. Me and Kelly got into a fight this morning cause I'm meeting Jay for coffee at 3. They left on a call before we could completely talk it out" "I can see where he's coming from. That Halstead boy is crazy about you. He's just not as obvious as Ruzek." Ellie casually told her daughter which made Michelle look at her mom and say "I have never noticed either of them having any interest in me." "That's because you're blinded by your love for Matt and Kelly sweetheart." Ellie softly told her daughter. "Jesus mom. Make it any easier for me, would you?" Michelle sarcastically said to her mom, making the older woman laugh and say "why don't you change and come with me to the firehouse when my shift starts at 1. The guys have missed you and I'm sure Kelly and Matt would appreciate it if you would come to see them before grabbing coffee with Jay." "According to Kelly, he's detective giggles." Michelle said, making Ellie almost spit out her coffee cause she had to laugh. "Kelly is a bit salty about the date isn't he?" She joked, making Michelle laugh as well before agreeing to come with her mom towards the firehouse.

"I'll meet you there" Michelle said to her mom, getting into Kelly's car and driving towards firehouse 51. Arriving at the firehouse the Valentine women noticed that the firefighters were not back yet. Seeing as Kelly and Matt hadn't eaten anything for breakfast and she could imagine neither did a lot of the rest of the guys, Michelle decided on making some blueberry muffins as she saw the ingredients she needed. Putting in a second batch, she heard the gang returning. Not long after, Cruz and Mouch entered the break room noticing the smell they had missed for quite some time.

"Is my nose deceiving me or are these the famous Valentine blueberry muffins?" Mouch all but screamed, rushing towards the first batch that was set out to cool. "Careful! They're still hot!" Michelle scolded, seeing Cruz and Mouch diving towards her muffins. "God I missed you" Mouch said, making Cruz question him "are you talking to Michelle or the muffins?" "Both" he responded before walking towards his spot. "How was it?" Michelle asked Cruz, referring to the call they went on. "Fine, got everyone out in time" Cruz responded before adding "luitenants are alright, El" Joe said, patting her shoulder, "they know you're here?" He then asked after stuffing his face with one of the muffins "not yet, mind getting them for me? This batch won't take long before it's done." "Sure, but I'm taking one as payment" he joked, before finishing his muffin and walking out with another one in his hands.

"What have you got there, Cruz?" Otis asked, eyes trained on the muffin in his hand. "The famous Valentine blueberry muffins" Joe said, making Casey and Severide look towards each other happily before looking towards Joe making Kelly ask "Michelle's here? I thought I saw my car already" "you're letting Michelle drive your car but I can't borrow it?" Shay asked, slightly offended. "Of course I'm letting her borrow my car. Detective giggles asked her out on a coffee date. Everyone knows that's my car. See, I'm playing it smart" Kelly elaborated, making Casey laugh while slapping his shoulder. "I knew there was a reason you wanted to take my car." "I don't know about you guys but I'm eating those muffins while they're still warm" Dawson said, rushing towards the kitchen, making the rest of them follow.

"Hey hot stuff" Gabby called towards Michelle who was bent down to get the next batch out of the oven. "Hey Gabs, muffin?" "God, yes please" Gabby moaned, grabbing one and immediately taking a bite. "Sometimes I swear you're immune to food burns" "it's my secret superpower" Gabby joked, making Michelle laugh. Suddenly she felt two hands around her waist and heard "any of those for me?" being whispered in her ear by Matt. "Hmm I don't know. Were you careful this call?" Michelle asked, turning around in his arms with not a lot of distance between them. "Of course I was. You asked me to be, didn't you?" Matt said, leaning in closer almost close enough to kiss her before "Valentine! Good to have you back. Luitenant Casey! Get back from my favorite cook so she can dish out some more muffins and give me a hug." Chief Boden yelled from the doorway, making Michelle scoot away from Casey while laughing, noticing the annoyed look on his face as he thought he could try and steal a kiss.

Before getting to Boden, Kelly intercepted her and said "this means a lot, babe. Thanks for being here." while wrapping his arms around her, holding her close to him and kissing the top of her head. Anytime Michelle and Kelly would have a fight caused by Kelly's jealousy they resolved it fairly quickly. Michelle baking for the firehouse meant they were at peace and it really meant a lot for Kelly to know that they were fine before she went off to meet Jay. "Were you careful out there?" Michelle asked him, making him look towards her and say "I'm always careful knowing you're waiting for me" he said, leaning his forehead against hers while almost leaning in for a kiss as well. "Luitenant Severide! I think I was clear before with luitenant Casey. Leave my favorite cook be." Chief Boden yelled at Kelly, making Michelle step away from him while giggling and walking towards the chief for his hug. "Thanks for the muffins, kid." Boden told her, giving her a big hug before releasing her and walking towards the countertop for three muffins. Two for him and one for Ellie who was working on the administration.

As it was already 2.30, Michelle started packing her stuff, making Otis ask where the girl was going. "I'm getting coffee with a friend" she told him, not wanting to make a big deal out of this. "Is the friend sexy?" Otis asked, wiggling his eyebrows, making Michelle snort before saying "the friend is a male" making everyone but Matt and Kelly laugh at Otis, still a bit upset that Michelle was going out for coffee with Halstead.

"Here" Michelle said, giving Kelly his car keys back, making him look at her questionably "I can take my mom's car" she told him, making Shay cover her mouth to hold in a laugh as Kelly's plan was falling apart. "It's fine, you can take mine. That way your mom won't have to wait to leave" Kelly told Michelle, trying to convince her to take his car. "Are you sure?" Michelle asked him, knowing how careful he always is with his car "positive. I insist, babe." "Alright then, thanks Kelly. See you tonight." She told him, kissing his cheek before going over to Matt and doing the same. Both of them hoping Jay wouldn't make a move.

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