Chapter 6

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"You and me. Tomorrow." was the first thing Michelle heard when she walked up the driveway of firehouse 51. "Fuck you" was what she said laughing in response to Gabby's attempt at impersonating Adam. "Hey Gabs" "hey hot stuff" Gabby said, bringing the girl in for a hug and walking inside with her. "It's not too late to switch teams Elle" Shay yelled from a distance. "You told her?" Michelle asked, laughing. "Shay, Casey and Severide heard me almost dying in laughter so they did catch some of it." "Hmm I'm sure Matt and Kelly were happy listening to you" Michelle told her friend, laughing before giving Shay a hug and asking "if I switch teams, will you take me out tomorrow at seven instead of Adam?" making all three girls laugh.

"We can also take you out tomorrow at seven. Just let me call Adam." Kelly said, interrupting the three's laughter. "I like that plan way more than you switching teams" Matt added, walking up to the three with Kelly. "Hey sweetheart, how was it?" Matt asked, kissing Michelle's temple and gently pulling her towards where Kelly was standing at the squad table. "Hey babe" Kelly told her, wrapping his arms around her waist and letting her lean back in his embrace before kissing the top of her head. "I think you've heard all about it" Michelle said, giving Gabby a pointed look, making the girl laugh while leaning against the squad table next to her and Kelly. "I don't think we heard all of it. Spill." Shay told her.

"Well okay, so I got there, Jay was asking how I was considering our breakup-" "of course he was" Kelly grumbled "I casually let him know I didn't want to talk about it, then suddenly Adam shows up out of nowhere, starts to blatantly flirt with me, ask me directly how I felt after the breakup, asks me out, gets into an argument with Jay about asking me out while Jay was on a date with me and then they left. I think that covers it" Michelle said, making Shay look at her in disbelief before bursting into laughter along with Gabby. They could see the entire date in front of them and they could imagine how awkward Michelle must have felt which made it even more funny. "And that's why we should get back together" Kelly said before adding "just say the word and we'll kick their ass" cuddling her even closer to her. Matt was a bit quiet so Michelle took his hand in hers and pulled him away from the rest towards his office to ask him what was wrong.

"Did you want it to be a date?" He asked, seemingly upset. "Matt, I- no. Jay is my friend so I didn't see any harm in going out for coffee with him. We've done it plenty of times when we were together. I didn't think he or Adam had a crush on me and were waiting to swoop in the minute something went wrong between us. The minute I figured out he thought it was a date I only wanted it to be you two sitting there with me" Michelle told him honestly. That was enough for Matt to make a bold move. He pulled the girl closer to him and kissed her passionately. And she kissed him back.

"Please don't go on that date with Adam tomorrow." He pleaded after pulling away from the kiss to catch his breath. "I won't." Michelle told him, kissing him again which resulted in a quick make out session that was obvious for the trained eye to see when they both got back to the common area.

"Finally" was all that Kelly said before walking up to Michelle, pressing her against the wall and kissing her just as passionately as Matt had. God, he had missed this. So did she. "Luitenant Severide. Kiss your girl in your own time in your own room." was what made the both of them break away from their kiss, Michelle blushing as a tomato for getting caught and Kelly smirking at her. "Stop it" she told him, softly hitting his arm while laughing making him laugh as well "I'm just happy you let us kiss you again." he said before grabbing the arm she wanted to playfully hit him again with and pulling her close to him so he could give her a hug. "I love you" he whispered, before kissing the top of her head, smiling and holding her just a little closer when he softly heard her say "I love you too".

"Don't hog her, Severide" Matt joked, stealing away the girl and pulling her on his lap. "I'm not hogging her. She just said she loved me so I needed to hug her a little tighter" Kelly said with a stupid grin on his face. "Oh did you now?" Matt asked Michelle with a twinkle in his eye of pure happiness "I love you Matt" she told him giving him a quick kiss, making him smile really wide before saying "I love you too, sweetheart."

Fortunately there weren't any other calls during their shift, so after a bit the three were ready to go to the house. "You riding with me or with Matt, princess?" Kelly asked Michelle making her say "depends, which one of you will drive me to my mom's to get a bag for tonight?" "I can drive to your mom's to get all of your stuff" Matt said, making Michelle look at him in question. "Just like that you want me to move back in?" She asked him, attracting Kelly's attention as well "we never wanted you to move out so yeah the sooner you come back the better." He told her seriously. "So you're not mad?" "About?" Matt asked her "all this. Me breaking up with you and moving out, me apparently going on a date with Jay and being asked out by Adam" "of course we're not mad. We don't love it, but we love you. We understand where you were coming from when we broke up and it's not your fault you were too naive to see their intentions. All we want is for you to come back to us. It's all we've ever wanted since the moment you left. We haven't been ourselves without you. If we weren't on shift we were just talking about how we could get you back" Matt said before Kelly added "we don't want anyone else but you. It hasn't even crossed our minds when we were broken up. All we wanted was to have you back in our arms, back in the house. So please, for the love of god, come back home" he finished, making Michelle a bit teary-eyed before wrapping them both in a hug. "Alright. Matt's car it is then."

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