Chapter Thirty Five - Battle Of Beacon

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Hordes of Grimm began pouring onto Vale. Panic and chaos had taken hold. X-49 made his way to the fairgrounds where they saw Blake and Weiss fighting off a several Grimm. X-49 guns down several Grimm with his twin pistols, allowing Blake and Weiss to take out the rest of the Grimm. Once the initial wave of Grimm was cleared, X-49 checks on Blake and Weiss.

X-49: Are you two alright?

Blake: We'll be fine. Thanks for the assistance.

X-49: Two of your teammates seem to be missing. Where is Ruby and Yang?

Weiss: Yang's in Beacon. I'm not sure about Ruby.

Blake: These Grimm aren't the only things we should worry about. Yang told us that the White Fang are releasing Grimm into the school.

In that moment, what was happening became clear. Immediately, a wave of White Fang soldiers began swarming the fairgrounds. Before Weiss and Blake could do anything, X-49 proceeded to enter an intense gunfight with the White Fang soldiers. Despite being outnumbered, X-49 was able to force the White Fang horde to retreat. Once the White Fang soldiers were dispatched, X-49 took the time to survey the situation.

X-49: Looks like the Grimm aren't the only things to worry about. We have to get to Beacon!

With that, X-49 along with Weiss and Blake began making their way to Beacon. As they arrived at Beacon Academy, they found it besieged by both Grimm and White Fang forces. Beacon was defended by both students and Atlesian Knight 200s.

Weiss: I....I can't believe it....

X-49: Now's not the time to get scared. Beacon needs us.

With that, X-49 leads the attack as wave after wave of Grimm fell before them. As the defenders fought, something changed in the Atlesian Knight 200s. Their visors turned crimson red and began firing on the Atlesian Troopers. A group of them set their blasters towards Weiss and Blake.

Blake: Look out!

Blake manage to push Weiss aside in order to dodge incoming fire, but the Knights surround them, forcing the Schnee and the Faunus to draw their weapons. As this happened, X-49 glances over behind him to see Blake and Weiss being fired upon by the Atlesian Knights. Without hesitation, X-49 rushes in and guns down the Droids.

X-49: Are you two alright?

Blake: Y...yes. Thank you.

Weiss: They just....fired on us!

Suddenly, another group of hacked Knights along with a squadron of White Fang soldiers arrived. They attack, but they are cut up by flurry of slashes. Weiss is seen taking down a sizeable group of knights using a combination of strikes as well as her using her Glyph Semblance, while Blake fights off a group of White Fang soldiers, before using her Semblance to dodge a dual sword-wielding soldier, more White Fang grunts charge at her, but they are all suddenly knocked back by Weiss. Afterwards, Weiss and Blake stand back-to-back, but notice a group of human Atlas Soldiers fighting off an Atlesian Paladin, which has also been affected by the virus and turned rogue. The Paladin easily bats aside several of the soldiers.

Weiss: Come on!

Before Weiss and Blake could assist the soldiers, they notice a Bullhead about to crash land. An armored Beowolf is seen jumping out of it before it could crash with the aircraft. The Beowolf lands on the ground and starts to chase after fleeing civilians. X-49 focuses his attack on the Beowolf.

X-49: Firing an impact shot! Make it count!

X-49 then fires an impact shot at the Beowolf. The force of the shot stuns the Beowolf long enough for Blake and Weiss to jump on the Beowolf and kill it.

X-49: At this point, we'll be overwhelmed before we make a damn dent. We'll have to split up. I'll try to find Ruby and Yang.

Weiss and Blake exchange one last look with each other before parting ways.

Weiss: Be safe.

Sharing a nod the two split up. Garrus and Tali stay behind while Weiss regroups with another group of students. All across Beacon Academy, various students battle the many Creatures of Grimm as well as squadrons of White Fang soldiers.
Meanwhile under an archway up a building overlooking the battle, Cinder along with Emerald and Mercury watch the battle while Mercury films it on his scroll.

Cinder: Beautiful.

Emerald: It's almost sad.

Cinder: It's horrendous. Focus on the Atlesian Knights.

Mercury: Oh, I'm getting all of it.

Cinder: Good. Continue the broadcast until the end.

As Cinder watches the chaos, she turns her attention to Mercury.

Cinder: And do not miss what happens next.

Inside his office, Ozpin watches the battle on three video feeds, one showing some buildings, the middle showing a group of Atlas soldiers struggling a against a Deathstalker on Beacon's main avenue, and the last showing civilians stuck on a rooftop waving for help, while an Ursa slowly crawls up the side of the building. Ozpin then starts to walk away from his desk, grabbing his cane in the process, before proceeding to the elevator. However, he is stopped in his tracks when a sudden tremor shakes the ground. Back in the city, Glynda and Qrow continue fighting, before they too are shaken by another tremor. Qrow stabs his sword into the ground to keep himself standing.

Goodwitch: No...

Another tremor shakes Jaune as he battles an Ursa Major, with Sage and Scarlet piggyback riding on it with worried expressions on their faces. Suddenly, a titanic Wyvern flying over Vale. It towers over Beacon as it lets out an earth shattering roar. The Wyvern excretes a black, tar-like substance which drops to the ground in the city of Vale and spawns various Grimm. As the Grimm began to take form and begin attacking Vale, it became clear that this battle was only the beginning. Ozpin approaches the window of his office, noticing the Wyvern getting closer. The massive Grimm excretes more of the black substance, which drops to the ground and spawns more Grimm near the base of the CCT. Ozpin takes a sip from his mug and calmly walks out of his office. It was up to the Huntsmen of Vale to make their stand against the rising tide.

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