Chapter Twenty Six - Search & Destroy

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As X-49 joined Team RWBY and Doctor Oobleck on the mission, they soon learn that the area they were clearing was a failed settlement called Mountain Glenn. Within the abandoned city, it had become a hotspot for Grimm activity along with suspected criminal activity. When they landed near the city, Oobleck led Team RWBY and X-49 off the airship.

Oobleck: Ladies and gentleman! You still may be students, but as of this moment, your first mission as Huntresses has begun! From this point forward, you need to do exactly as I say! Do you understand?

Oobleck then notices Ruby carrying a bag. X-49 said nothing as he knows what was in Ruby's bag. 

Oobleck: Ruby! I thought I told you to leave all of your bags back at school.

Ruby: But, uh, you hadn't told us to listen to you yet. So I didn't.

X-49 couldn't help but chuckle at Ruby's response to Oobleck's words.

Oobleck: (She's not wrong...) Very well, Ruby; leave your bag here, we can pick it up upon our return.

Ruby: But I, well uh....

Oobleck: Young lady, what in the world could you possibly have in that bag that could be so important to bring it with...

As Oobleck says this, the zipper on Ruby's back opens as Zwei pops his head out. Upon seeing this, X-49 simply chuckled.

Oobleck: We're here to investigate an abandoned urban jungle teeming with death and hostility, and you brought... a dog?

Ruby: I, uh...

Oobleck: Genius! Canines are historically known for their perceptive nose and heightened sense of sound, making them excellent companions for a hunt such as ours!

X-49: A robot and a dog? Heh. No one's gonna be hiding from us.

Blake: So, what are your orders, Doctor?

Oobleck: Ah, yes, straight to the chase; I like it! As you've been informed, the southeast area has been marked as a recent hot spot for Grimm activity. Now, there are several possible explanations for this behavior, one of which being... Grimm.

Ruby: Uh, what?

Oobleck: Grimm. A creature of Grimm approximately one hundred yards from us at this very moment.

Yang: What?!

Soon enough, a Beowolf could be seen wondering into the street. Team RWBY was about to attack, Oobleck stops them while X-49 surveys the area with his enhanced vision.

X-49: Looks like it hasn't spotted us.

Oobleck: There are a number of reasons why Grimm will congregate in this particular area, the most likely of which will be their attraction to negativity: sadness, envy, loneliness, hatred. All qualities that are likely held by our hidden group harboring ill intent.

Ruby: So... What now?

Oobleck: We wait. We track. If this specimen leads us to its pack, that pack may subsequently lead us to our prey.

Blake: How long do we wait?

Oobleck: It's uncertain. Hours, days, weeks. Why, lone Grimm have been known to stay isolated from the pack for months....

X-49: There's the whole pack.

As Oobleck said this, five more Grimm Beowolves appear. Immediately after this, the Huntsmen are spotted. Immediately, X-49 readied his weapons.

X-49: Looks like things are about to get hairy.

Yang: What's the plan, then?

Ruby: We show everyone what we can do!

With that, a fierce battle broke out between the Huntsmen and the Grimm. X-49 took the fight to the Grimm, he observes how Team RWBY coordinated their attack. Seeing the way they fought and work together impressed X-49. Suddenly, the last Beowulf attacked Ruby. X-49 quickly responds by shooting out the legs from under the Grimm. As the Grimm collapses to the ground, X-49 jumps on the Grimm's back and shoots it right between the eyes.

X-49: Heh. Where would you girls be without me?

Ruby: Um....probably at home?

X-49 found Ruby's response humorous. Once the area was cleared, X-49 reloads his pistols.

Oobleck: Excellent work, students! Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any signs of criminal operations in this sector. Oh, well! Moving on!

Yang: Hey, Doc, y'know, I was actually looking forward to seeing a "pro Huntsman" in action. Like, fighting, or at least, helping us fight?

Oobleck: Ah, but I am in action! Scouring the ruins of this once-great city for any signs of irregularity! Not every mission is filled with daring and heroism. Sometimes it's just a heightened form of extermination! Remember, this is a job, and you all signed up for it. I do hope you understand that.

Yang: O....of course!

Garrus: And besides, don't forget you got this old bucket of bolts watching your backs. Not only that, but we got Zwei. We'll be an unstoppable team. Isn't that right, boy?

X-49 then scratches Zwei's chin.

Oobleck: Hmm....

With that, the Huntsmen moved forward with their mission. On the way, Oobleck asked the members of Team RWBY why they wished to become Huntresses. The answers they gave were less than satisfactory. As the group moved forward, Oobleck speaks to the young Huntresses in training.

Ruby: Sorry! Uh... Are we ready to keep going?

Oobleck: Nope! I believe that will have to do for today. It's going to be dark soon. You three, set up camp in that building. Oh, and please do make sure there are no more of those... creatures. Your leader and I are going to secure the perimeter. Come, Ruby. X-49, you stay and watch over the others.

X-49 simply nod as Oobleck and Ruby went ahead to secure the perimeter while X-49 and the rest of Team RWBY set up camp. Once more, X-49 was impressed at how Team RWBY were able to coordinate themselves as well as improve upon their strength and weaknesses. For now, X-49 would focus on the mission at hand. 

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