Chapter One - X-49

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One day on the island of Patch in a forest, two little girls named Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long were playing in a forest near their home. As they were playing a game of hide and seek, Ruby was finding a place to hide while Yang was counting. 

Yang:....98, 99, 100! Ready or not! Here I come! I hope you found yourself a good hiding spot, Ruby!

Yang began searching the area for any sign of her half sister. For a bit, it seemed like Yang was about to lose. As Yang searched the forest, she found what appeared to be a sleek black car covered in vines. She checked the trunk of the car to find Ruby. 

Yang: Found you!

Ruby: What?! No way! Did you peek?!

Yang: Nope! You just chose to hide yourself somewhere obvious!

Ruby pouted as Yang pulled her out of the trunk of the car. Curiosity about the car took hold of Ruby and Yang. 

Yang: I gotta admit, that was a pretty cool hiding place even if it was obvious! I probably would've hid there myself!

Ruby: Thanks! Though what's with this car?

Yang: Don't know. Wanna check it out? 

Ruby: Duh!

Ruby and Yang then searched the car, not knowing want to find. As they checked the driver's seat, they saw a light blue humanoid robot with broad shoulders and skeleton-like features. The robot had large, circular eyes. The robot wore a black trench coat and a black hat.

Ruby: Whoa....

Yang: What is that? 

Ruby soon saw a nameplate inside the car that read "X-49". As Ruby was messing around with the robot apparently named X-49, she had inadvertently activated him. A low hum was heard as his circuits began powering him up. Soon enough, his eyes turned red as he glanced over to Ruby. Ruby was scared out of her wits to the point where she fell out of the car. 

Yang: Ruby!

As Yang rushed to her sister's side, Yang soon saw X-49 activating and slowly getting out of the car. Fear and panic had set in as X-49 looked at them. Suddenly, growling was heard. Not wanting to stick around, Ruby and Yang took off while X-49 simply stood there. As Ruby and Yang ran, they soon found themselves being chased by an Ursa Grimm. 

Yang: Run, Ruby! 

Ruby: It's gaining up on us!

As they ran, both girls tripped over a log. As they fell to the ground, the Ursa Grimm quickly caught up with them and cornered them. They were frozen in fear as the Grimm growled at them. Before the Grimm could attack them, X-49 pounced on the Ursa and shot his two pistols into the Ursa's skull. The Grimm lets out a dying roar as it's heavy body collapsed onto Ruby and Yang. X-49 then lifts up the Ursa's body and throws it aside. As X-49's eyes fell on the frightened girls, he gets on one knee. 

X-49: Are you two okay?

Ruby and Yang were shocked to hear a calm and soothing voice from the otherwise scary looking robot. X-49 offered his hand to the frightened girls. 

Yang: You're not...going to hurt us?

X-49: Of course not. Let's get you home. 

X-49 then carried Ruby and Yang on his back. With a warm smile on his face, he began talking to them. 

X-49: What's your names?

Yang: I'm Yang. This is my half sister Ruby. 

X-49: Nice to meet you two. What're you two doing all the way out here?

Ruby: We were playing hide and seek when we found...your car. 

X-49 then began looking through his memory banks and found only the memory of his creation along with some missions with other robots of his line. Other than that, there was nothing. As they walked, it began to rain. 

X-49:'s raining. 

Ruby: Won't you rust?

X-49: No. I don't rust as much as other robots. I can handle the rain. It's just I don't like it. The rain makes me too sentimental. We should probably get you two home before your folks worry too much. 

Meanwhile at the Xiao Long-Rose Family Home, Summer Rose and Taiyang Xiao Long became worried for their children as the rain began to set in.


Taiyang: I'm going to look for them, Summer. They couldn't have gotten far!

Suddenly, a shadowy figure is seen in the distance walking towards their home. The figure is soon revealed to be X-49 carrying Ruby and Yang on his back. They soon got off his back and rushed to their parents. 

Yang: Mom! Dad!

Summer and Taiyang rushed to their children and hugged them tightly. Ruby and Yang then explained to them what had happened including the activation of X-49 as well as how he saved them from the Ursa. Upon hearing this, Summer and Taiyang were quick to offer their gratitude to the robot. 

Summer: Thank you for rescuing our children! 

X-49: It's nothing, ma'am. I couldn't let those kids get hurt. 

Taiyang: How about we have you over for dinner? It's the least we can do!

X-49 thought about Taiyang's offer. While he couldn't eat human food, there was nowhere for him to go. He soon glanced over to Ruby and Yang. He lets a warm smile escape his metallic face. 

X-49: I would like that very much, thank you. 

In that moment, the Xiao Long-Rose family had invited X-49 for dinner. In that moment, a bond had been started between the Xiao Long-Rose family and X-49. 

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