Chapter Sixty - Seeing Red

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As  everyone began to put Jaune's plan into action, X-49 and Blake were tasked with disabling the two radar towers to ensure that Weiss was able to fulfil her part of the plan. As X-49 makes his way to the radar tower, he surveys the area. 

X-49: Nine Atlas Soldiers. All armed. Pretty good odds. 

As X-49 said this, Lulu barks at X-49. X-49 smiles at his companion. 

X-49: Lulu...sweet thing. Do you thing. 

Lulu then walks over to the two Atlas Soldiers guarding the entrance. As Lulu barked at them, the soldiers were confused. 

Atlas Soldier: What the....

As Lulu continues barking at the Atlas Soldiers, X-49 sneaks up on them and knocks them out. 

X-49: Good girl. 

With that, X-49 and Lulu moved in on the station. Meanwhile, Blake reached the other radar tower. To her shock, she found several lifeless bodies scattered across the facility. Suddenly, she was attacked by Adam Taurus.

Adam: It's nice to finally have time to ourselves. Don't you think?

Blake: Leave me alone!

Adam: Why did you have to come into my life and ruin everything?!

Blake: You stalked me across Anima! I don't want anything to do with your life!

Blake and Adam continued to fight one another with Adam being the aggressor. Blake soon found herself on the defensive.

Blake: Let go of the past, Adam. Do it for yourself.

Adam: Just forget it all? Is that what you did to me?! You just threw our memories away?!

Blake: Adam!

Adam: I let you go once already, Blake. I'm never making that mistake again...

As Blake fought Adam, X-49 moved in on the radar dish. It wasn't long before the rest of the soldiers were alerted to his presence. Before they could raise the alarm, X-49 draws his pistols and hits them with nonlethal shots, sending them to the ground. After clearing the room, X-49 walks up to the radar dish and destroys it with several well placed shots. X-49 then contacts Blake. 

X-49: Blake, I took care of the radar dish on my end. What of yours?

As X-49 attempts to contact Blake, he hears nothing but static. At this point, X-49 could sense that something was wrong. Without hesitation, X-49 begins rushing to where Blake was. Back at the other relay station, the fight between Blake and Adam took a turn when Yang joined the fight. As the Blake and Yang fought side by side, Yang's arm begins to tremble slightly. Despite this, Yang didn't stop.

Yang: Leave. Us. Alone. This is your last chance.

Adam: Heh, do you really believe that? Or are you just trying to scare me away so you won't have to die trying to protect her?

Angered by Adam's words, Yang prepares to fight him again despite her hand still trembling. Suddenly, Blake takes Yang's hand with her own.

Blake: We're protecting each other.

With that, Blake and Yang fight Adam together. Despite their numbers, Blake and Yang were unable to break through Adam's defenses.

Adam: You knew you couldn't win two-on-one at Haven. What makes you so sure you can win now?

Blake: I don't have a choice. I have people who actually care about me, and I promised I'd never leave them again. So I'm not dying now.

Adam: You've been in my head for long enough. By killing you, I'll be free.

Adam soon glances over to Yang.

Adam: You know, she made a promise to me once. That she'd always be at my side. Heh, and look how well she's kept it.

Yang: Did she make that promise to you? Or to the person you were pretending to be?

Adam: So I wasn't just good enough for you?

Blake: You know it's so much more than that.

Adam: I know you've made your choice... and I've made mine.

As the fight dragged on, Adam began to overwhelm Blake and Yang. Soon enough, he had them at his mercy.

Adam: Now die....

Suddenly, shots rang out as Adam turns to block the bullets with his sword. When he turns around, he see X-49 with his Twin Pistols.

Adam: You.....

Blake and Yang were shocked to see X-49. As X-49 reloaded his pistols, he glanced over to Blake and Yang before turning his attention back to Adam. 

X-49: Adam Taurus. I was hoping we'd meet again. You and I have some unsettled business.

Adam: Stay out of this, robot! I've got nothing left to lose. The cause abandoned me. All that I have left is Blake. Killing her will free me.

X-49: You brought that on yourself. I won't let you harm these two for the sake of your delusions. Stand down, Adam Taurus or I will be forced to strike you down.

Adam: I won't let you stop me! I will make this right!

As X-49 reloads his pistols, Adam began to laugh as he gripped Wilt And Blush.

Blake: X-49...

X-49: You and Yang stay back. This bastard's mine.

Yang: You're gonna need our help, X-49. This guy's dangerous.

X-49: I'll take my chances, Firecracker. You two have done all you can. I will handle the rest. There is no need to put yourselves in further risk. And besides, I've got unsettled business with him. 

Blake: X-49, be careful.

X-49 nodded to Blake as he returned her attention back at Adam. The two paced around each other, sizing each other up for the fight to come. 

X-49: You're going to pay for what you did to Yang. 

Adam: I won't let anyone stop me, especially not a bucket of bolts like you! 

X-49: Then I will do what I must. 

In that moment, X-49 prepared for his duel against Adam Taurus. The two readied their weapons for a duel to the death. X-49 calmed himself as he prepared to defend Blake and Yang to his dying breath.

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