Chapter Seventy Four - Out In The Open

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After the arrest of Jacques Schnee, riots erupt in Mantle due to the shutdown of the heating grid. It wasn't long before all of Mantle had descended into chaos. This naturally draws large groups of Grimm who attack the city. In response to this, Ruby's group were deployed to Mantle to help evacuate the city. Inside the airship, Clover speaks to everyone via communications.

Clover(Communicator): Alright, everyone. I need to stress to our new Huntsmen and Huntresses, we are prioritizing citizen safety over killing Grimm. Got it?

When they reached the city, Ruby's group splits up into small groups to cover more ground with X-49 going with Ruby and Harriet. As they began moving the civilians to safety, the three began to plan their approach.

Ruby: Alright, we just need to get everyone to the closest airpad.

Harriet: The closest LZ is....

Suddenly, the ground begins shaking with a loud thumping noise. A manhole clatters with each thump. In the direction Harriet pointed, a car goes tumbling across the intersection. Harriet gestures to the intersection.

Harriet: There.

An Alpha Megoliath walks out from around the corner and turns to face them. It utters a roar and begins charging down the street. X-49 unloads his pistols at the the Megoliath. Suddenly, a green laser swoops across the street in front of it, striking its tusk. This causes it to tilt its head to the side and stop charging. The civilians around X-49, Ruby and Harriet run away, screaming, and Penny flies down to stand next to Ruby. Harriet and Penny nod to each other and then hurry forward to fight the Alpha Megoliath. Ruby closes her eyes and concentrates, partially blocking out the sounds around her. However, the Alpha Megoliath's roar breaks her concentration, and she opens her eyes wide, looking at the fight in front of her. X-49 fires a crippling shot at one of the Megoliath's legs. The Megoliath howls in pain as X-49 begins firing at it's mask. 

X-49: I got you covered!

Penny and Harriet rush to X-49's side and provide support. As for Ruby, she uses her Semblance to get onto a nearby rooftop, where she fires her Sniper Rifle, which does little damage. At the same time, Penny arranges her swords in a circle and spins them like a buzzsaw, slashing at the side of its head. She then stabs the swords into the side of its mask, and it trumpets in pain and attempts to turn its head away. Noticing the resistance from Penny pulling on the threads, the Alpha Megoliath looks at Penny, who gasps. It then jerks its head to the side, yanking Penny toward it. She slams into its tusk and is sent flying over the buildings, screaming. Ruby watches Penny and then flies after her with her Semblance.

Ruby: Penny!

When Ruby reaches Penny, the Megoliath attempts to charge at her, but X-49 intervenes by firing two heavy shots at the Grimm's mask, cracking it. 


X-49 continues unloading his pistols at the Grimm. At this point, the Megoliath was weakened by the constant attacks. As X-49 keeps the Megoliath occupied, Ruby and Penny begin to formulate a plan. Soon enough, they execute their plan as Penny fires at the Megoliath.

Penny: Over here, you big bag of bones!

The Megoliath then swats X-49 away and begins charging at Penny. As the Megoliath charges at Penny, Ruby uses her Semblance to fly past her and stops next to the scorched tusk, hooking her scythe on it. She places her feet against the tusk and then fires her rifle and kicks off, slicing through the burned portion of the tusk. While the Alpha Megoliath rears up and roars, Penny catches the severed tusk and slams it into the road below. Ruby lands next to the Alpha Megoliath's rear foot, hooks her scythe on its ankle and fires the rifle to give the Alpha Megoliath a painful cut. It jerks its foot away, jumping and uttering a pained trumpet, before falling over onto the severed horn, which impales its chest. Despite it's fatal wound, the Megoliath manages to get up and attacks both Ruby and Penny. It was at this moment that X-49 unloads his pistols at the mask, pushing it back. As the Megoliath was slowly pushed back, X-49 uses his targeting computer to aim for a weakspot. He fires a single round at the weak spot. The mask shatters and kills the Grimm. As the Grimm's body disintegrates, civilians come out of hiding, looking at Penny.

Male Civilian: Yeah, they saved us!

Female Civilian: The protector of Mantle!

With that, more and more civilians were evacuated out of Mantle and into Atlas, with Ruby's group fending off swarm after swarm of Grimm. X-49 simply smiled as Penny was cheered on by the people of Mantle despite being wrongfully convicted of the attack on Robyn Hill's Election party. As all this happened, a broadcast of Ironwood and Robyn Hill revealed the existence of the Amity Tower Project to the entire world. It was in that moment that the atmosphere in Atlas and Mantle began to change. With the information of the Amity Tower now revealed to the world, it would seem that everything was finally going on the right path. But X-49 could feel the tide beginning to turn against him and the group. He could feel a darkness looming over to both Atlas and Mantle. What X-49 didn't know was that the darkness was much closer than they thought and it was out in the open, ready to strike at a moment's notice.

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