Chapter Ninety Five - The Parfait Predictament

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Somewhere in the glowing mushroom fields of the Garden's Arce, Ruby runs after the Curious Cat while carrying the still-shrunken Weiss, Blake, and Yang in her hands while X-49 rides on Lulu. Ruby pants, stops running, and looks back. Ruby sighs in relief as Little pats her cheek. The Curious Cat was soon seen standing on top of a mushroom.

Curious Cat: I'm so glad the five of you are still the five of you. Not always the case in the Ever After.

Weiss: You're the one who ditched us in the first place! Which, by the way, was how we ended up in that mushroom house to begin with! You know, where that delirious caterpillar-guy tried to drug us and then was swallowed up by a freaking hole in the ground?!

X-49: We've played along with this for as long as we could. Now I think it's time you gave us some straight answers!

Curious Cat: Ah, yes, yes. Alyx had a similar reaction the first time she saw someone return to the Ever After. But it's not how it seems....well, I suppose it is...but not the way you think, if you think like Alyx, which it seems like you do.

X-49, Weiss, Blake and Yang exchange glances with each other. The Cat hops from mushroom to mushroom while Ruby looks on, before looking down to Little. Their attention is then grabbed again by the cat.

Curious Cat: Ah ha! We're here.

The Cat proceeds down the path, and Ruby follows. She looks with astonishment at a large lake with lily pads carrying various denizens of the Ever After on them. They seem to be heading towards a grand structure toward the center of the lake with a large, pink lotus flower at the top.

Curious Cat: Better run.

Ruby hurries and jumps over to the giant lily pad with the Cat.

Yang: So, Cat. Going to explain to us how a giant caterpillar disappearing into a hole "isn't how it seems"?

Curious Cat: Mmmm, when we break or wear out or simply finish what we were made to do, we're called back. But Herb....his heart was too weak to listen, so I gave him a little bit of mine.

Blake: Is he...dead?

Curious Cat: No, no! Well, maybe a little bit, but not at all.

Yang: Ugh! Which is it?

X-49: I don't think we should expect a straight answer at this point. We have to focus on the here and now.

At this point, the Cat redirects the conversation to the matter of the Herbalist.

Curious Cat: Now that Herb's properly returned, he'll be fixed up nice, and made into the Herb he wanted to be when he was still "Herb". Then he'll come back and find his purpose. Could be the same as before, or maybe not.

Ruby: When Herb comes back, will he remember anything?

Curious Cat: What would be the point of that? Just like Alyx, you lot. I know, I know, where you're from, things...die...but we're just not like you at all. We....ascend. Herb will have a purpose again.

Weiss: That's impossible. Things have to die someday. Right?

Curious Cat: Wha-- goodness no! Though I suppose there is a creature...No, no, that's not the sort of thing you talk about in polite company....

At this point, X-49 began to suspect the Cat's true intentions. He knew that there was more to this than the Cat was letting on. Between this and what had happened in the Herbalist's enclave, X-49 became deeply concerned with the entire situation. As they continue to follow the Cat, they learn about the nature of Ascension and how it effected the people of the Ever After.

X-49: What will we need to restore us to our original size?

Curious Cat: Hhm...well, to make a Grow-gurt Parfait, one needs a bushel of grumpy ivy, one good-sized spicy potato, the lint off a griffon's sweater – Ethel's Dragons and More should have that – which is next to...

Ruby: I'll never remember all of that.

Curious Cat: No, I can procure that. But there's another ingredient we must have that's only available on the third level. Some nose hair from a leprechaun.

X-49 and Team RWBY become disgusted.

Curious Cat: What if you retrieve that while I go get the rest?

Ruby: Sure, I guess so.

Curious Cat: Wonderful! Look for the Teapot Lady. She'll have it now. Now off you go.

As the Cat goes off, they get distracted when a leaf-headed creature waves from a vendor holding a flower in their hand.

Yang: Ugh... Guess I'd better go with the Cat so they don't get distracted by a shiny doorknob and never come back.

Ruby sighs and brings Weiss, Blake and Yang to the Cat.

Yang: Nice try, Kitty.

Weiss jumps and lands onto the Cat's head.

Weiss: But we're coming along.

Yang and Blake follow and land on the Cat. X-49 prepares to go with them, but sees that Ruby was deeply troubled by something. Despite his own concerns about what had been done to him, he was still a big brother. The Cat leaves the vendor who tries to offer Ruby the flower this time. Ruby awkwardly stammers and walks away. Some Hunter Mice steal the cheese radish on the vendor's table, much to their dismay.

Ruby: X-9? Are you okay? You've been kinda...distant since we left the Herbalist's place?

X-49: I'll...I'll be fine, Ruby. I just have a lot on my mind. 

Ruby: Like the Cat? Do you think they're hiding something?

X-49: That Cat clearly knows more than they're letting on. But we'll cross that bridge when we get there. But for now, let's just focus on the task at hand. 

At this point, X-49 could see that the turmoil within Ruby had not left her. X-49 offered a comforting smile as he put a hand on Ruby's shoulder.

X-49: It's okay, Ruby. We will find a way back.

With that, Ruby and X-49 into the Garden's Acre to get the ingredients for the Grogurt Parfait. At the same time, X-49 would attempt to guide Ruby towards her path and move past the turmoil that still lingered within her. 

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