Sep 3 2022

2 0 0

22 07

played minecraft


didnt do much lol

painted my lips blue with paint for no reason at all.

have a dream

This one was about me being a young boy. The world was a bit more in the 80s i guess. But millions years ago there used to be 3 types of gigantic monsters with legs walking around.The oceans were smaller than they used to be back then so the feet prints where overall and ppl were going wild over them.Fossils, foot prints anything about them.And there is a bunch of gigantic tall ruins overall. Its like millions of long hallways with sometimes a room or castle lookin place.Its like they are never ending. You can walk in one for over weeks over the ocean and theres nothing.Some of em are absolutely ruined but a lot are good enough to walk in. We talking long white grayish towers covered in seaweed and moss. With long hallways above the land and water. Like bridges.Ok so me as that bod was fooling around with my older sister and i picked up a newspaper. On the front stood 'Gigantic monster found in sea' with a picture of an octopus that was like twice the hunan size. The sister laughed and we went to my school.Thats the end of the day.Next thing i see is i fall asleep. In my dream im one of the monsters from millions of years ago. A quadruplet or somthing similar to that. Its a creature with no arms. Two long legs with 3 claws on its feet. Its head is that of a Demogorgon.I look around in this new form. My head strangely empty. Its like thinking but not hearing your thoughts. At that moment i hadn't realized that ofc. It was peaceful. I was on the shore of some medium island. This island was filled with these white long ruins. But some of them looked more like flats or blocks where humans live in. Tho they were still abandoned and in ruins. Trees were grayish and tall.But thats all more from a humans perspective. Since i am now a gigantic monster. The ruins were only a bit taller than me and the trees didnt reach my knees.Suddenly a large wave appeared. Clashing most of the ruins and trees together, destroying them.I walk towards the ocean. Deeper through the water. Waves as big as me appear. Some would be able to wipe out entire islands if they could reach them. I just walked through them. I could breathe underwater apparently. I passed many other giants like me. Just standing around. I could see the hallway a bit far away from me from the right. Its like the waves avoided them. I think i walked like a lot of kilometres before the water went to my knees. I found the entrance to one of the ruins and stepped onto the staircase to reach the open ruins.I couldn't fit inside but on the outside there was a small platform with stairs to go there.Thats when the dream inside my dream ended.I woke up as the boy again and suddenly my mother grabbed everyone. My sister, me and my friend. She told us theres been findings of giants footprints. Where the ocean used to be. The ocean moved back a lot.We go to the first steps on a small open car. Like those golf things but military.Following the 3 toed foot prints for hours. Since went when it was still dark it was now day. I could see an entrance to the hallways.I sorta remembered my dream. When we where a few meters away we stopped and looked around. The footprints led to the ruins. However the water was beginning at the staircase. Knee deep. Its like something sucked the kilometres of water out. From my dream.In this year the waters was always like this. But no one seemed to find these footprints.I walked around mumbling that i knew this place from my dream which made my sister confused.I walked as if i was in a trance and wet my pants from walking through the water. I climbed onto the staircase. My mom yelled at me to stop cuz the ruins are dangerous. Yknow they kinda look like they holding onto string. I walk forward suddenly in the hallways. And there stood the giant. Smaller than it was in ny dream. It didn't react much to me. Only a tilted head. I reached out to it and it lowered its head to put ny hand against it.And thats all i remember.Was such an interesting dream. Wish i could finish it tho. Also it kinda looks like some movie plot lmao

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