[12] The Finale (Part 3)

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~so this chapters gonna be kinda long so be patient while the ending slowly but surely unfolds~

Olivia leaned her head against Joshua as he rubbed her arms gently. Sabrina looked at Olivia, slowly following Joshua's hand motions on Olivia's arms. She felt sad and heart broken that no guy would never treat her this way, ever. She began to cry and began talking about everything that had happened to her.

"Adam, he wanted me to hurt one of you, but I," She wiped her tears as they rolled down her blistered, bruising cheeks. "I refused to and he hit me."

"He hit you? No way does he have the balls to." Joshua stood up but Olivia tugged at his arm so he could sit back down once again.

"But he did." She looked at both of them and cried even more.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." Olivia said.

"But that," He scoffed. "That, does not look like he just hit you. He fucking beat you up!" 

"Yeah, and I don't think he cares if he hurts me. He never actually loved me, he said it himself. Right after he beat me up." She went silent for a moment. Her vision went blurry and she could no longer see the 2 people who she actually cared about most.



He took my hand as we left the scene. Adam was still angry about Joshua, but I couldn't blame him. Joshua was stronger than he was, physically and emotionally. He could handle anything. Well, we both handled the drama and shit but that's now over and done with. He took me into an alleyway and he let go of my grasp, before banging his hand on the brick wall. He balled his fist and rested his head on the cold brick wall. He turned to me, his eyes full of anger and came closer.

"Uhm, Adam." He put a finger on my lip before I could even finish what I was saying.

"Sh." He whispered, putting my hands above my head.

"But," I blurted out.

"Quiet!" He shouted, making the whole neighbourhood wake up. It was late at night and they probably assumed it was some drug dealer screaming in the streets. I jumped and gasped as he shrieked in my face. 

"Why, Sabrina. Why?"

"Why, what?" My voice breaking at the end. I was so scared of him, I couldn't move. I was stuck in this position and probably would be until he got his stupid answer. Why, oh why? Why did I have to work along side with him. I just wanted to humiliate them, not hurt them or anything!

"Oh, you know." He took a few steps towards me, softly rubbing his finger nails. I gulped as he came closer towards my face. I could smell alc0hol in his warm breath that reached my face. I sniffed loudly so he could hear.

"You like the smell of me, hm?" He said, stupidly.

"Have you been drinking?" I said.

"That's not the point, though. Oh, Sabrina." He said, in a sing-songy voice.

"What," I said, my voice stern as I stood my ground.

"Don't interrupt me again, okay?" He shouted.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"Repeat that again."

"Sorry," This time, my voice was louder.

"Good, now." His face was right in front of mine. He grabbed my chin with both his thumb and index finger and smiled. "Where were we? Oh, yes, let's talk about how you'll help me get revenge on those dumb bitches."

WHAT IF? ✔️━━━ Jolivia AUWhere stories live. Discover now