Chapter 1: The News

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It's been 4 months since Jennie and I got together. Only those closest to us know about our relationship - Jennie's mother, Jisoo, Jennie's Manager, Jennie's CEO, my parents and Chaeyoung.

Jennie and I enjoy our privacy. Although we can't go to many public places for dates, and most of them are at her house, they were always good. We've grown to know and understand each other more.

The doctor has advised me to take a few months off of intense training. So I haven't been able to support more of Jennie's projects. But I was always there backstage. The dancers don't question because afterall, I was part of her comeback. But now, I'm ready to get back into action.

I was just done with my pilates session when Jennie texted.


Jennie: Honey, I'm done with my meeting. Are you ready? I can come by in 15 minutes to pick you.

Lisa: Your timing is perfect. I'm ready to leave. I'll meet you at the lobby.

Jennie: Can't wait to be with you.

Jennie and I promised to be open and honest with each other. We knew that was our issue before. So we didn't want to make the same mistake again.

The past few months, we were truthful about our feelings. Especially when the other does or says something that has the potential to cause hurt.

We haven't gone there physically, and I can't lie, the temptation keeps getting stronger. I don't want to push Jennie, sometimes I feel like she wants it too.

<Honk honk!>

I didn't realize I was day dreaming. Jennie's car was already pulled up in front of me.

"What are you thinking about hun?" Jennie asked as I hopped into the passenger seat.

"You.. us.." I answered as smile at her dreamily.

Jennie started to drive as she reached a hand to hold mine.

"You make me the happiest, Lisa." She said out of nowhere.

I leaned over, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Idol news today. Jennie Kim appears happier and glowing lately. Sources say that there could be someone special in her life." The news came through from the radio.

"Yeah I do." Jennie responded spontaneously.

"Hahaha!" I burst out laughing. "Baby, what will happen when our relationship is out to the public? I-i mean.. I'm quite nervous."

"Lisa, our relationship is the 2 of us. People will have their opinions and they will make sure that they make them known. But no one knows our relationship better than us." Jennie never tires in assuring me. "I love you, and no one can make me feel otherwise."

I kissed the back of her hand, "I love you too baby."

<Incoming Call: Claud>

Lisa: Hello Claud!

Claud: Lisa, I have great news! Remember I told everyone we'll be sending audition tapes to artistes to be part of their upcoming projects? Well, yours got handpicked by Taylor Swift herself! Can you come in tomorrow morning for us to discuss? The management is still working out on the arrangements before presenting to you.

Lisa: Oh my god! Are you serious?! Yeah, I'll come in tomorrow morning. Thanks Claud!

<Ends Call>

"What's that about babe?" Jennie asked.

"Taylor Swift handpicked my audition tape! She wants me in for her upcoming works!" I was still in shock. "I'll be going into the office tomorrow to discuss."

I saw mixed emotions on Jennie's face, "Congratulations hun! I'm so proud of you!"

"You're worried about me being away for a long time aren't you?" I asked Jennie gently as we exited the car and headed up to her apartment.

"Yes. I am." Jennie sighed. "But I love you and loving someone means to be supportive and not holding them back from achieving great things."

We exited the lift and sat on the couch. This would be the first obstacle for us. Will be strong enough to get through this?

I pulled Jennie close to me, "Jennie, I believe our love can overcome anything that comes our way. You're my priority. And if at any point my aspirations comes in the way, I'll give that up."

Tears welled up her eyes, "but..."

"I can lose a project and audition for new ones. But there's only one of you, I can't lose you." It was my turn to assure Jennie.

I headed home from Jennie's after dinner.

<Outgoing Call: Chaeyoung>

Lisa: Chae, are you home? Do you want supper?

Chaeyoung: Ah.. Lisayah~ oh my gosh. It's so late already? Yes, could you grab me a chicken sandwich please?

Lisa: You've been working until you lost track of time again? Okay. I'll get that for you. See you soon and I've got something to share you later!

<Ends Call>


Jennie: Hun, my interview has been shifted to morning. Come over to mine's after your meeting?

Lisa: Okay. Go rest baby! I'll see you tomorrow. I love you!

Jennie: Goodnight, love you too!

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