Chapter 7: The It Girl

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A few magazines have approached me to grace their cover. But it's wasn't my decision to make.

I was called in for a meeting with Taylor, Matt and my management team in Korea.

"We're supportive of Lisa doing photoshoots or interviews for magazines. There is no problem." Matt spoke.

Drake, representing Kweenz, "Okay, Lisa, if you want, we're supportive too. Just don't let it get in the way of your commitment to dance for Taylor."

"Thank you everyone. I'll think about it." I wanted to know what Jennie felt about it before I agree to any.


<Outgoing Call: Jennie>

Lisa: Hi baby!

Jennie: Hey hun! I thought you were in a meeting?

Lisa: Yes, am done. I wanted to ask for your thoughts on something.

Jennie: Yeah, sure!

Lisa: A few magazines and brands approached me. They'll like me to model for them and be on their covers. Ermmm.. what are your thoughts?

Jennie: Really? That's wonderful! Go for it. Why do you need my advice when you know I'm always going to support you?

Lisa: You're my girlfriend, and you're priority. I told you that I don't want to do anything to jeopardize our relationship.

Jennie: Thank you Lisa. It means a lot to me that you always put us first. I trust your decisions. If this is something you want to pursue, go for it okay? I want a signed copy!

Lisa: Hahaha! You get the first copy babe.

Jennie: Good! How's Europe?

Lisa: It's beautiful! It's a shame I can't explore more.

Jennie: We'll go back there together alright?

Lisa: Really? You'll take me?

Jennie: Of course, who else am I going to take?

Lisa: Yay!!! You're paying.. kekeke!

Jennie: Anything for you hun.

3 months later as we're halfway through our European leg. I had a couple of photoshoots in between. They were lovely. Knowing how tight my schedule was with Taylor, they made arrangements to be where I was.

'From Dance Instructor To Back Up Dancer To Vogue's Front Cover.'

'Lisa Manoban Debuts On Front Cover

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'Lisa Manoban Debuts On Front Cover.'


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Jennie: OH MY GAWDDDD! You're so beautiful babe.

Lisa: As promised, the signed copy is now on it's way to you. Don't try and make money out of it. Haha!

Jennie: No way I'm selling it.

Lisa: I got to warn you though.. during the interview they kept asking if I was seeing anyone. I said there's someone. And when the time is right, I'll share. Haha. I hope that's okay?

Jennie: That's perfect hun. You don't have to say anything you're not comfortable with okay?

Jennie: Hun, you look like you lost some weight though.

Lisa: Yeah I did. The stylist told me. Because my outfits were getting loose.

Jennie: Is there something bothering you?

Lisa: I'm just homesick. You and Chae are in Korea, my parents are in Thailand.

Jennie: I know that feeling, but still, please eat.

Lisa: I will. I have to go prepare for tonight's show now. Talk to you later baby. I love you, so much.

"6 months to go." I whispered to myself.

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