Chapter 8: The Misunderstanding

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"Oh fuck.. Jen... You better call Lisa.." Jisoo panicked as she showed her phone to me.

"What a whole lot of crap! What the hell! You live there!" Jisoo flashed me and article titled 'Jennie Kim spotted at ex-boyfriend, Kai, apartment building'.

<Outgoing Call: Lisa>

No answer.

Fuck. This is usually the time when Lisa and I would talk. I forgot to tell her that Jisoo has bought an apartment in the building where Kai used to to live. He no longer lives here so i don't know why the media is reporting this.

<Outgoing Call: Lisa>

"Chu, she offed her phone. Fucking hell!" I was getting annoyed. I thought she didn't look at social media? "Chu, drive to Lisa's apartment. I need to speak to Chaeyoung."

"Jennie? What are you doing here?" Chaeyoung doesn't seem to know. "And you are?"

"Hi I'm Jisoo." They shook hands and I saw both of them blush. What the hell?

"Come in come in." Chaeyoung stepped aside to let us in. "What brings you here?"

"You haven't seen the news or Lisa hasn't said anything to you it seems?" I started.

"No. But Lisa did sound weird over the phone earlier. We were talking just fine until she hurriedly said she had to go. What's going on?" Chaeyoung pressed.

I showed her the articles. "Jennie, I don't know you that well. But after the last time, I know you will never do anything to hurt Lisa again. And if you did, you really have some balls to be here in front of me."

"The articles are not true. I tried calling Lisa. But she offed her phone. I thought perhaps she'll reach out to you." I was getting desperate to explain this to Lisa.

"I think she will make the call, to either of us. She won't be able to perform her best at the show if this is bugging her. Let me order some food. The both of you must be hungry?" Chaeyoung offered.

"Thank you Chaeyoung." Jisoo offered her a thankful smile while I sat thinking about Lisa.

"Eat something Jennie." Chaeyoung said. I was playing with the rice in my bowl.

<Incoming Call: Lisa>

"It's Lisa!" I exclaimed. I stood up and answered her call.

Jennie: Baby, let me explain, it's not what you think.

Lisa: I trust you. If you're saying that's it's not what I think it is, I trust you.

Jennie: I should have told you. Jisoo moved to an apartment there. But Kai is no longer staying there.

Lisa: I'm sorry I shut you off. It was the first thing I saw on tv when I on it and I panicked. And it messed with my head.

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