Chapter 11: The Encore

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"Do you think the fans and public suspect anything?" I asked Jennie as we were having breakfast.

"There seem to be rumors. But with you away for a year, they don't seem to be able to make up the timeline." Jennie analyzed.

"Are you ready for your shows?" I inquired cause up till now, she looks very calm.

"I'm as prepared as I can be. And with you there, I want to do you proud too!" Jennie responded.

"I'm always proud of you baby." I beamed at her. "Your album sounds so freaking good!"

It's the last show. Although the 3 shows are supposed to be the same, it felt different for the first 2. I don't know what she does but the impact is different. I'm imagining that tonight will be insane.

"Jennie unnie, it looked like so much fun up there. I'm still bitter you'd rather have me rest than be part of that." I pouted. There were people who didn't know about us so I had to address her properly.

"Hahaha! I'm counting on you for the next tour." Jennie assured.

"Okay guys you heard that ya!" I exclaimed and everyone laughed. "Wait.. when is the next one? Jennie unnie, please don't tell me it's like in 2 years... don't torture your fans."

"I see what you're trying to do there Lisa-yah." I got caught.

"Encore! Encore! Encore!" The whole stadium was chanting.

I see the stage rise and Jennie is in a different outfit from the last 2 shows.

I see the stage rise and Jennie is in a different outfit from the last 2 shows

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"Oh wowwww..." I was mesmerized. Jennie in red makes me feel giddy and weak. And she knows that. I felt like she did this on purpose.

She had 2 encore songs to perform. But after the first song she stopped and started talking to the audience.

"Why is my heart racing?" I clenched my chest. I took a deep breath and returned my focused on Jennie.

She thanked her fans for traveling from all over the world for this 3-days show.

"Thank you everyone for standing by me! You are the reason why I'm able to do what I love every single day!" The crowd cheered loudly.

"I have something special I want to do tonight." I observed Jennie's eyes as she searched amongst the front of house and her eyes landed on me.

I watched her display a wide smile and she started talking. "I know that there are rumors going on for awhile as to why I seem happier. Hahaha! Do I always look sad to you?" Everyone started laughing.

"But I won't deny that the past 1 and half years I've been happier. Cause I am. And I have one person to thank for that." The crowd was anticipating her next words while I stood there in shock thinking if Jennie was about to announce our relationship.

"Lisa Manoban." I felt my knees go weak. ".. you saved my life. Literally. You guys may not know, but during one of my comeback stages, when Lisa was a backup dancer for me, the stage floor didn't rise and I took a step back without knowing. Lisa jumped forward to push me but she was the one who fell into the hole. And for the first time in my life, I felt so scared. I was so scared that I won't be able to tell the woman I'm in love with that I love her."

The stadium was so quiet. It felt like everyone was processing what Jennie had just confessed.

"You are the most amazing person I have ever met." Jennie was now looking directly at me.

"Yes guys, we have been together for 1 and a half years." Jennie announced and the stadium erupted with cheers and whistles. I'm sure I was a blushing mess.

I saw Jisoo and Chaeyoung walking towards me, holding my hand and pulling me to the stage and I looked confused.

I was now on the stage with Jennie and I waved to the crowd.

"Baby, what's going on?" I'm lost.

The colors of the light sticks changed and I looked up to see a big heart being formed. When I turned to face Jennie again, she was on one knee. And I covered my mouth in shock.

"Hun, thank you for the past 1 and half years. We have gone through our share of challenges and when you went on tour, but I'm so proud that we made it through. I'm so proud of you. The woman that you are today. You make me want to be better everyday. I want to spend the rest of my life loving you if you would let me."

I see Jennie take a deep breath before pulling a box from one of her pockets. "Lisa Manoban, will you be my wife? Will you marry me?"

"Yes! Of course!" She slid the ring of my finger and stood up, lifting me off the ground and spinning. And she prepared fireworks? She sure is cheesy but I love it.

The whole stadium went wild. And we were drowned by their cheers and screams.

"I love you Jennie." I leaned in to kiss her. The screams were getting louder if it was even possible.

"I don't know how am I going to get through the last song. I should have thought this through. Hahaha!" Jennie was laughing with tears in her eyes. And everyone laughed along.

We were finally backstage and I was waiting for Jennie to return to her dressing room. I hear a commotion outside so I assumed everyone was coming back.

The door opened and she walked in with the biggest smile.

"Congratulations!" Jisoo, Chaeyoung and Jennie's management team followed behind opening bottles of champagne.

I was leaning into Jennie's shoulder.

"I can't believe you did that.." I turned and looked up and Jennie. "How long have you been planning this?"

"Erm.. I bought the ring the day after we confessed our feelings to each other actually." Everyone looked at her with mouths open. "I was sure that you are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, I still am. My heart and mind has been set on you." I was swooning.

And out of nowhere, Chaeyoung's voice was heard, "Kim Jisoo, if you pull the same thing on me, I'll shit my pants." And everyone burst out laughing.

'Breaking News! Jennie Kim proposes to Lisa Manoban on last day of her show.'

'Jennie Kim gets down on one knee, girlfriend Lisa Manoban said yes!'

'Crowd in happy tears as Jennie Kim and Lisa Manoban announces relationship and gets engaged!'


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