Chapter 2: The Start Of 1 Year Apart

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The morning interview was tricky to say the least. I had to divert the conversations away from the "rumors" of why I have been looking so happy lately. Believe me, I want to tell the whole world that Lisa's mine. But people can be toxic. I've had my fair share and I've learned to block them out and focus on my career and loved ones. I really want to protect Lisa from that.

<Ding Dong!>

That must be Lisa. I went to open the door to be greeted by a red eyed girlfriend. She has been crying.

"Honey, what's wrong?" I quickly pulled her in and sat her down.

Fresh tears begin to threaten in her eyes, "Taylor Swift's contract... it's for 1 year.. I... we.." And the tears started to flow. "She'll be touring for about a year non-stop. There's no window for me to even fly back to be with you."

I sat there, shocked by how tight the schedule is. "Lisa, hun, look at me. We can do this. I'll fly to you then. Wherever in the world you may be. I'll fly over."

"I'll need to pack these few days. I leave at the end of the week." That's 4 days from now. That's so soon!

"Then let's make these few days worthwhile okay?" Lisa nodded.

Saturday came, it was time for Lisa to head to the airport. I sat on her bed as she came in to grab her last bag that she will be carrying.

"Promise we'll talk everyday despite the time difference. Promise me you'll not believe anything the media says about me." I didn't want the distance and rumors to get in our way.

"I promise you, Jennie."

I couldn't send Lisa to the airport. The risk of getting caught was too high so I had to say my goodbye in her room.

"I love you Lisa." I held her hand tight. I wonder when I could hold her again.

"I love you too Jen. Please take care of yourself when I'm away. Remember to have your meals even if your schedule is pack. We'll update each other on our schedules too right?" Lisa held me to her chest.

"Yes. Of course. I'll fly to you whenever I can." I squeezed my hold on Lisa.

"Lisayah~ it's time to go." Chaeyoung called out from outside.

"I'll see you soon hun." I watched Chaeyoung drive Lisa away before getting into my car and headed home.


Lisa: Baby, the flight is about to take off. I guess you're probably feeling the same dread as me. You can't imagine how tight I've buckled my seatbelt so that it prevents me from running out and head to you. I'm going to do you proud. I love you with all of my heart.

Jennie: I know it's not easy for you, for us to be apart. But my heart is always with you. I'm always proud of you Lisa, no matter what. Text me once you land. Be safe! I love you too!

I knew a part of why Lisa's took this is so that her career could get elevated. She has always felt that fear that when people find out about us, they'll think she's not worthy to be with me. I always assured her that our status doesn't matter to me. But she always wanted to be the best she can for me. So I let her.

After working with such huge names. A dancer's career would either soar or go downhill. Some choose to continue to dance for artistes. But Lisa always aspired to be more. Having a relationship with me wasn't part of that plan she had. And I never want to hold her back.

The countdown begins. 1 year. Looking at my work schedule that my manager had just sent me, I've got a packed year as well. There are only 4 windows that I could fly to be with Lisa. Fuck!

"Lisa, please don't give up on us." I whispered to myself.

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