Chapter 6: The News & Aftermath

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I woke up to a message from Lisa that she's heading to one of the clubs for an after party. It's been 3 hours and there's no news from her. As I was having my lunch after my morning training, the news came on.

"Taylor Swift's after party ended with a fight between her dancers and a few guests. No information on why the fight broke out is shared and no charges are made. Taylor's dancers are seen exiting the club with bloodied face. Other dancers are being supported by others out as they were drunk."

"Oh my god Lisa."

Pictures of the event were plastered all over social media. I caught a few photos of Lisa. One of them showed her carrying a girl on her back while supporting another girl. And another photo is of her supporting a man. I knew they were dancers. Lisa shared a group photo of them. She wanted me to know who she's with everyday.


Jennie: Baby, call me as soon as you can.

3 hours later.

<Incoming Call: Lisa>

Lisa: Baby... hi..

Jennie: Hun...

Lisa: You saw the news didn't you?

Jennie: I did. Are you okay?

Lisa: I'm okay. Baby, I promise I didn't do anything that will hurt you.

Jennie: I trust you Lisa. What happened?

Lisa: One of the male dancers decided to have a few girls to dance with us. One of them is a rapper's girlfriend. So you can imagine what happened after that.

Jennie: Oh dear.. I'm glad that you're okay..

Lisa: I really miss you. I just want to come home and be with you. And with both our schedules overlapping, neither of us can fly out to see the other. I... I'm struggling..

Jennie: Baby.. I know it's hard but we've made it through 3 months. 9 more to go. We can do this.

Lisa: Thank you for not giving up on me Jen..

Jennie: I will never.

Lisa and I chatted for another hour. This has been the longest conversation we had in weeks. I could hear how tired and homesick she was.

I'm so thankful for Jisoo. She keeps me sane. I was going ballistics while waiting for Lisa's call. I'm so glad she could come and accompany me.

This weekend will be Taylor's last concert for the American leg and it's held at the AT&T. The venue's huge! This show will be available for online streaming too. So Jisoo and I are going to catch it. I want to see Lisa in action. I always love watching her dance. She doesn't blend in. At least to me.

"Jen, it's about to start! Come on!" Jisoo called out while I grab us some drinks.

I quickly placed 2 bottles of diet coke on the table with a bowl of chips.

"Yes!! Let's go!" I was getting pumped up too.

"Fuck me!" Lisa was caught on camera and my body was starting to react

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"Fuck me!" Lisa was caught on camera and my body was starting to react.

"Damn Jen, your girlfriend is... is..." even Jisoo was stunned.

"She's mine. Don't you dare!" I covered Jisoo's eyes.

The whole concert was electrical. How they do this almost every night, I have no clue. But they were all very professional despite how tired they are.

Jennie: You were amazing baby! I'm so proud of you!

Lisa: I was caught on screen?

Jennie: You bet! I had to cover Jisoo's eyes. Cause you were that hot.

Lisa: I'm only yours baby. There will never be anyone else.

Jennie: Babe, you're trending on social media!

Lisa: Ah.. I don't like those things.. they mess with people's heads.

Jennie: No no.. they are saying how hot you are. Shit! Some are trying to find out who you are. Oh wait. They have found out. And photos of you during my comeback are shared and all..

Lisa: Baby, please don't read anymore. You don't have to read all those information. You know everything about me.

Jennie: Aren't you excited that you're trending cause of your hotness?

Lisa: As flattered as I am. The only opinions that matter to me are yours, my family and Chae's. I don't want to get distracted by what people have to say online.

Jennie: I love how focus you are. One of the many reasons why I love you.

Lisa: Well, you taught me this baby. You don't entertain whatever that floats online.

Lisa: I've got to go change out of my costume. We're finally actually checking in to a hotel room for the night before we set off to Europe.

Jennie: Okay baby, rest well. We'll talk again soon okay?

Lisa: 9 more months till I'm home with you. I love you.

'Taylor Swift's backup dancer catches eyes of fashion magazines and icons

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'Taylor Swift's backup dancer catches eyes of fashion magazines and icons.'

'Back up dancer for Taylor Swift same girl who carried out fellow dancers from club.'

'Luxury brands competing to sign Taylor Swift's backup dancer.'

There are so many articles about Lisa. I felt immensely proud of her.

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