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Chapter 14 | The Final Piece


When the lights and the building of Hybe Hybrid Rescue Centre could be seen in the distance, I could feel like all the stress and the weight on my shoulders were lifted. Although I couldn't clearly see any of the cars parked in the parking lot, my eyes immediately scanned trying to find our car, hoping that she was still in the building so that we could go home together.

As we got closer and closer to the center, I could literally feel my eyes light up when I saw our car parked in our usual parking space. Then my eyes darted over to the first floor. Hoping to see if her office was occupied. I could see that the lights on were on in her office and there were some figures inside. From the silhouette, I could tell that they were hybrids.

As soon as the car was parked, I didn't wait for any of my group members and immediately darted into the big building. I walked as fast as I could without running or bumping into anyone else. Excusing myself and weaving in and out of the volunteers and the workers in the medical unit as well as the hybrids that we had rescued, I quickly made my way to the office.

I knocked on the door but I didn't wait for any response, I was just so anxious to see my fiance. But the sight that welcomed me was so much different than I could have imagined. Y/N wasn't in her office. Instead, there were five hybrids huddled around and as soon as I walked in the door, it was slightly creepy when their heads all snapped towards me at the same time with their eyes wide.

"Sorry about that," I cleared my throat. "Uh, do you know where Dr. Bang went?"

"She had to go do surgery," the wolf hybrid replied after a moment of silence.

My eyes widened as I realized who the hybrid was. "You were the one who was fighting in the ring, weren't you?"

"Yeah," he nodded with a soft smile. "You're the one who had the loud voice, right?"

I laughed as the image of Y/N rolling her eyes telling me how loud my laugh and my voice were before I would annoy her with being even louder than I usually was came to my mind. "Did she tell you that?"

"No, it's just your voice was really loud when you came into the arena," the wolf shrugged.

"Well, it's not true, I'm perfectly able to be quiet," I winked. "Well, my name is Kim Seokjin, it's nice to meet you all."

"I'm Hoseok," the wolf hybrid introduced himself.

"Yoongi," the black bear hybrid said, his eyes trained on me as if I was their prey. I probably would be, since he was a predator hybrid and if my guess is correct, they were in a pack which most likely meant that they were all mates. So one wrong move and my beautiful face would be mauled.

"I'm Taehyung, I really like the popsicle things that they gave us do you know if there's more?" the golden retriever introduced himself with a big smile that looked like a box, it was really cute.

"There should be," I responded with a smile.

"I'm Jimin, a red panda hybrid, not a bear or a raccoon," the red panda hybrid said with a firm nod. I could help but chuckle and nod at his introduction.

"Uh, I'm Jungkook, nice to meet you," the bunny hybrid said quietly. I smiled knowing how Y/N's heart would have melted at the bunny hybrid. It was quite obvious that he was the youngest of the pack and Y/N did have a pension for squealing at small cute animals like bunnies.

"Well, it's all very nice to meet you," I smiled at them. "Have you guys had any food yet?"

"Not yet," Taehyung said.

"Well, come on, let's get some food. If I remember correctly, Chan helped make the food today for the crew and the hybrids," I said looking at the clock that showed the time was close to midnight. "It's late, but there still should be something left. Y/N would have made sure that Chan left some food for me since she knew I would be the last one to eat. And Chan's a great cook, I'm better obviously, but it's not too important." 

"Chan?" Jungkook spoke up.

"Yeah, here," I said as I moved to her desk. I picked up a framed photo of Y/N and Chan. It was one of my personal favourite. The two of them were pulling at each other's faces while laughing. 

The hybrids all chuckled at the sight of the picture. "Why are they pulling each other's faces?" The bunny hybrid asked.

"If I remember correctly, Y/N was drunk when this happened. She kept going on and on about how cute her little brother was and pulled on his cheeks. Chan got really upset and pulled on hers and they went back and forth until they both started laughing," I chuckled at the memory. "But come on, let's get some food. I'm hungry and I'm sure you guys are starving."

I smiled as they quietly followed me out the door. Even though I had only met them for a few minutes at most, I felt very comfortable around them. It also didn't help that all of them were super cute and brought forward a sense of motherly instinct in me. The way they were so innocent and open to everything despite the horrors they must have gone through made me feel like I was personally responsible for taking care of them.

"If you don't mind me asking," I spoke up as we were getting close to the cafeteria and I could smell the mouth-watering dinner. "You guys are in a pack, which means you are all mated right?" They all nodded. "Who's your alpha?"

"We don't have one, yet," Hoseok admitted. "Yoongi hyung and Namjoon took it upon themselves to make sure everyone was safe and fed because they are the apex predators, but we don't have an 'alpha' so to speak. But it's more like the leader of the group, not 'alpha'."

"Oh, forgive me," I quickly apologized. 

"You didn't know," Yoongi shrugged. "It's just one of those things that humans haven't understood properly. Not that it's your fault or anything."

I nodded. "I'll make sure to remember. But it looks like they're serving Pork Cutlets, you're in for a treat. Chan makes great Pork Cutlets."

I quickly ushered them inside as I fought my stomach from growling. It seemed like the smell was appetizing enough for the hybrids because I could practically see them drooling from just the smell alone. I smiled, somehow I knew that these hybrids were going to be a permanent part of my life in one way or another.


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