Part 2 of Love Potion :)
Word count: 1k
(this is the last part :)
The next morning i woke up with a slight headache, not remembering much of what happened last night after dinner in the Great Hall. I took a sip of some of my pumpkin juice, suspicious of the sweeter taste than it was before. Oh well.
I got ready for breakfast which was in about 15 minutes, so that gave me enough time to get my uniform and my bag ready.
I headed down to the common room to see a couple of fellow gryiffindors mingling to their friends, and then I spot Angelina and Fred talking quietly amongst themselves in the corner of the common room. I decided to head over there so we could all walk to breakfast together, hoping George, Lee, and Katie would join as well.
"Morning," I sat down next to Angelina on the crimson red couch. They immediately stopped whispering to each other when i approached them.
"Why so secretive?" I teased. Fred eyed my suspiciously before looking back to Angelina.
"What? Did I do something? You two are making me sorta uncomfortable." I looked at my hands hoping the both of them weren't staring at me.
"Wait, so you don't remember what happened last night do you?" Angelina asked.
"Uhm... No, no not really."
"That git must've-"
Fred and Anglelina exchanged looks once again before George walked down the boys dormitory stairs. He looked... awfully tired. Bags under his eyes and he sorta looks like... he's been crying. He has bandages wrapped around his knuckles.
"Morning Georgie." I said, trying to get his attention. He looked at me, his expression lit up then dimmed for a quick second. He cautiously walked over to where all three of us were sitting and I was Fred in the corner of my eye shaking his head no slightly.
"Are you okay George? What happened to your hands? And why is everyone being so freaky? It's creeping me out!" I stood up, uncomfortable with the situation.
"Flo, what exactly do you remember happening last night?" Fred asked me, as I subtly rolled my eyes in annoyance.
"Well, I remember heading to dinner in the Great Hall, then drinking pumpkins juice. But the pumpkin juice was a lot sweeter than i remembered. I just ignored it because i thought you put something in it. But everything because a haze after that. I heard some arguing and some yelling, but after that, I woke up with a terrible headache. Now is someone gonna tell me what the hell is going on?!?"
"Thomas Pierce slipped you a love potion." Angelina spit out. My jaw dropped slightly.
"HE WHAT?Oh god! What did I do? What did we do?"
"Relax, I dont think anything went farther than kissing... I hope. We all hope." George clenched his jaw slightly as well as his bandaged hands.
"What's up with you Mr. Tough Guy?" I sass towards George. He looked at me with death glare.
"Not right now Flo," Angelina whispered in my ear.
"Let's head to breakfast, how about that?" Fred broke the awkward silence.
"Sounds wonderful Freddie," Angie chirped. Fred slung his arm around Angelina dramatically while walking out of the portrait hole as me and George walked behind them, but he seems to be distancing himself with me. I'll have to talk with him after breakfast then, even though I don't even know what I did.
"George?" I whispered to him. He looked at me softly. "Why do you seem so tense? Did I do something to you? Because I can't seem to remember anything of what happened last night. So if I did something, could you just tell me, even if I don't know exactly what I did. I'm sorry for what I did." At this point Fred and Angelina made their way into the Great Hall while George stopped walking, as did I.
"... I guess it doesn't help saying sorry for what i dont even know I did," I softly chuckled, hoping to make him smile.
"I know you were drugged underneath that dickwad's love potion, but... you said some horrible lies and uhm," He paused looking over my shoulder, his eyes darkened.
"George?" I turned around to see him death glaring a beaten up Thomas Pierce. I backed up into George, holding his arm as soon as Thomas smirked at me. George took a step infront of me, shielding me.
"Awww love, why are you hiding?" Thomas cooed.
"I suggest you leave, Pierce." George warned in a warningly tone.
"Is my pretty little princess gonna protect me?" He smirked.
"I am not yours, Pierce." I stepped aside of George. I walked up to Thomas cautiously.
"Gonna give me a little kiss, baby?" I don't know what came over me but I kneed him in the crotch then punched him in the face while he crouched into a ball. And when i kneed and punched him, i did it HARD. My hands immediately converted my own mouth in surprise. I looked back to George to see his jaw dropped then turned into a smirk.
"C'mon Flo. That was AWESOME, what the hell?!" He laughed. I joined in with his laughs.
"I guess he kinda deserves what hit him, literally," I joked.
"Kinda? He deserves worse!"
"Feel free to go wild with him, with your pranks. I wouldn't mind if a couple maybe accidentally gets him ending in the hospital wing," I winked. George engulfed me in a bear hug.
"I love you Florence." He looked deeply into my eyes. I looked back into his hazel ones, seeming to get lost in them. George seemed to be leaning closer, his warm breaths hitting my nose and lips.
"I love you too, Georgie." I whispered onto his lips. I closed my eyes and parted my lips. His lips tickling mine. I went onto my tiptoes to connect our lips. I was kissing George. His lips were slightly chapped but tasted of cinnamon and cherry. We seemed to get lost in each other's lips until we heard-
"OI, YOU TWO LOVEBIRDS COMING TO EAT OR NOT?" We heard Fred yelled from the Hall. We pulled away and giggled. We made our way down to the Great Hall with Georges hand on my waist. We sat across from a smirking Angelina and a grinning Fred
"Seems you two already swallowed each other." Fred teased as Angelina hit him on the arm.

Weasley Twin Oneshots
FanfictionOne shots of the Weasley Twins, pretty self explanatory. Accepting requests, but just to warn, sometimes my creative part of myself doesn't work sometimes, but i will try my best. Love you and thank you for reading!