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I have been surviving for 20 fucking years
I have been living in poverty and fear and a constant state of need my entire God damn life because of motherfuckers like you.
Those 19 hours
Can never be truly paid for
But if I am going to be waking up covered in sweat because the minute I fell asleep the hellscape that was being chained to the floor naked for what felt like hours comes back in full color; I will be waking up to look at the walls of a house that I own. The reality that myself and my family is taken care of will set in. No one I love will be hungry or needing. My daughter will be provided for. I will get the help I need to be there as the best mother i can be. I will afford to get her into the best Early Childhood program there is so that she can thrive. My family will be safe and taken care of. My life is not an equation that a number will solve. Because at the end of the day I am still only sleeping for hours at a time. And waking up covered in sweat. To stare at the walls of a house that i own.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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