Chapter 7

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Forth's pov:

I followed him with my gaze as he walked around the room, packing two bags.

Warmth brewed in my chest as i saw his excited expression and how there was a slight hop in his steps.

It's already been 2 weeks since my wounds healed completely.

And today, the others decided to arrange a weekend getaway at a beach house owned by Yo's dad.

At first, i felt really uncomfortable at the thought of being around strangers even if Pha would be there with me.

But they assured me that they had made sure that no one other than us would be there while we're there.

Yo pulled his dad's connections to do that apparently.

I couldn't refuse when they put in so much effort to plan this.

And especially not after seeing how excited Pha is for this.

It's been a while since we've all hung out together. So i understand his excitement.

I'm also kind of excited about this.

I haven't hung out with them like this for a while now.

"Forthie." I looked at Pha when i heard him call me.

"Huh? What is it?" I asked, noticing how he was looking at me with a frown on his face.

I guess i blanked out without realizing it and didn't hear him call me at first.

He kept my t-shirt that he was holding aside and came up to the bed, sitting beside me.

"What's wrong? You know you don't have to force yourself if you really don't want to go right?" He asked, taking my hand into his.

I sighed and shook my head. "I was just thinking about how i haven't hung out with any of them in a while. It's not that i don't want to go. I do. Really."

"Are you sure? You know none of us would mind if you think you can't handle it." He squeezed my hand gently.

I smiled softly. "I know you wouldn't. And i promise i want to go. I really do."

He stared at me for a few seconds, trying to gauge out my sincerity, before nodding, seemingly satisfied.

"Ok. But if you change your mind at any point, tell me. We'll come right back."

I hummed and nodded.

I hope that won't happen though.

I've been cooped up in here for too long already.
I took a deep breath after stepping out of the car in front of the beach house.

It was peaceful.

Not that noisy since it was a bit far away from the city.

And there were no other people around just like they said.

The weather was also perfect today.

Not that cold but not that hot either.

There's a soft breeze every few seconds which keeps the temperature just cool enough.

Pha came around and took my hand into his. "You ok?"

I smiled and nodded. "It feels good. Being out in the open like this."

He smiled back brightly.

"Come on. The others are already inside." He tugged me with him as he went toward the door.
I pulled my knees close to my chest as i sat on the lounge chair on the porch facing the beach. 

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