Chapter 3

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Forth's pov:

Four days passed.

Pha barely left my side at all. We would watch movies and talk about all the things we did together. He would also tell me about his childhood. His dad would also come and join us on his days off or after he finishes his work.

I barely thought about my family or that incident. Pha made sure to always keep me distracted and happy.

The pain in my body was a constant reminder though. Especially when it was time to change the dressings and clean the wounds.

He would always hug me tightly and tell me how much he loves me each time after changing the dressing.

"Baby." He sat down next to me on the bed.

I looked at him.

"Our friends are worried. They want to know what happened to you. Lam and Park have been calling nonstop. They saw the blood stains in your room." He gently brushed my hair back.

I looked at him wide eyed.

"I forgot to lock the door when i rushed you here. I'm sorry." He looked guilty. .

I pursed my lips.

"I don't want them to know...." I said softly.

"They won't judge you. They are your best friends since middle school. They will definitely support you." He assured me.

"Beam, Kit, Yo and Ming are also really worried." He said

He took out his phone and showed it to me.

There were multiple texts from Lam, Park, Beam, Kit and Yo asking about what happened to me and if I'm ok. Even Ming had texted him.

"Love they won't look down on you because of this. It wasn't your fault. You may be a strong fighter but you're not immune to drugs." He said softly.

"Ok...." I mumbled after a while.

"Should i call them over?" He asked.

I nodded.

I still didn't really want to but they all sound really worried.

Ming never texts Pha. If he texted him then they must be worried sick.

"I'll invite them over for lunch." He pressed a kiss on my temple and got up.

He called Beam, Yo and Lam and told them to come over for lunch. He told them to bring the others.

I played with my fingers.

I don't know how they are going to react to this. I'm honestly scared.

" What are you thinking about?" He sat back down beside me.

"I'm scared. What if they hate me when they find out about this?" I looked at him teary eyed.

"They won't hate you. I'm sure. Why would they hate you for something which wasn't even your fault? The only ones they will hate are the people that did this to you. So calm down. Everything's going to be ok." He rubbed my back gently.

"I'll go ask uncle Golf to make more food for lunch. I'll be back." He planted a soft kiss in my hair and went out of the room.

One thing i noticed is that he never kisses me on the lips anymore. He would kiss me on the forehead, temple, hand or my cheeks. But never on my lips.

Am i too disgusting now? Does he not want me like that anymore?

Tears started streaming down my face.

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