Chapter 5

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Forth's pov:

A month passed by in the blink of an eye.

All the stitches have finally been removed and the wounds are completely healed.

"You're good as new. You might find it a little hard to walk around on your own for a while. That's normal since you haven't stood up for a month now. But you should be back to normal with enough exercise. But don't overdo it." Pha's dad instructed.

Pha and i nodded.

"Try standing." He stepped back from the bed.

Pha came closer and held my waist.

He slowly helped me onto my feet.

I tried taking a step forward but i couldn't muster the strength in my legs.

I would have fallen if Pha hadn't caught me.

"Start off with light stretching and short walks. And then little by little increase the intensity." He looked at Pha.

He nodded.

"I'll leave you to it then. I have a surgery in an hour. I'll come back for dinner tonight." He smiled.

"Khrab. Goodluck with the surgery." I smiled back.

He ruffled my hair and went out.

I turned to Pha.

"I want to take a bath."

"Ok. Come here." He slowly led me to the bathroom.

He held my waist and sat me down on the counter while he prepared the bath.

I took off the shirt.

Pha helped me take off my pants and lifted me up.

He slowly put me in the tub.

"I can wash myself you know? My arms are fine." I looked at him.

"But i want to spoil you.... I never got to do this before..." He looked at me with puppy eyes.

"Ok fine." I sighed in resignation.

I really can't win against those eyes.

He instantly lit up and started washing me.
The smile didn't leave his face even for a second the whole time.

A smile formed on my face as well.

Well if this can make him this happy then I should let him do it more often.

I should also return the favor when I'm able to walk on my own.

My mind wandered to the incidents that have occurred in the last month.

Pha's dad said they had managed to get away before the police were able to catch them. But he assured me that he will do everything he can to make sure they are put behind bars.

For the first few nights, i startled awake in the middle of the night sweating and screaming.

Some nights i wouldn't let Pha touch me even. Every touch sent shivers down my spine. No matter who it was.

He had to hold me forcibly so his dad could sedate me.

Thankfully he was able to stop me from moving too much before i ripped the stitches.

After it happened four nights in a row, Pha's dad gave me sleeping pills so i didn't start awake in the middle of the night.

Pha never got angry. He would always be by my side when i wake up in the morning with a smile on his face.

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